[AUCTION] 3 Random Good Items

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by FalloutHood55, Apr 9, 2017.

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  1. Items: 1 Vault Voucher, 1 Elytra with Mending, and 1 Liberty Sword 2016

    Starting Bid: 10k (10,000 r)
    Minimum Bid Increase: 500 r
    Auction End Time: 48 Hours (2 Days) After Last Valid Bid
    Auction Pick Up: /v 14185 on Smp7

    Let The Bidding Begin
    mjnoe70 and ChespinLover77 like this.
  2. You are not allowed to sell used items on auctions.
    ShelLuser and ChespinLover77 like this.
  3. ....but if you PM me I'll still buy it.
  4. Oops
  5. I think I can repair that elytra of that will count
  6. Fixed
  7. [Quote"Krysyy]Nether Stars, Beacons & Elytra

    Nether Stars, Beacons & Elytra (unenchanted) can be auctioned off with a minimum quantity of 5.[/quote]
  8. [/quote]

    My bad lol fixed
  9. My bad lol fixed[/quote]
    Or not, but you get the idea.....
  10. My bad lol fixed[/quote]
    So no elytra
    ChespinLover77 likes this.
  11. So no enchanted elytra
  12. If I'm not mistaken the elytra IS enchanted - Does the rule posted above even apply here?
  13. Enchanted items can be auctioned off in any quantity, so if mending is in place for the elytra it is perfectly acceptable for only one to be auctioned off.

    I just visited the residence and confirms there is no repair bar on the elytra so it is at full durability. Auction is valid and shall continue.
    ChespinLover77 and BitcoinDigger like this.
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