Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MrAdazahi, Mar 13, 2017.


How to pronounce gif/jif?

Jif 8 vote(s) 34.8%
Gif 15 vote(s) 65.2%
  1. Ohhhh im a nobe ;-;
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  2. Ravioli ravioli time this thread gets a bumpioli
  3. X_Glitch_X
    I've been playing Minecraft for about 4 years
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  4. I've been playing since the Beta lol
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  5. Hey ExEx... many congrats to you too!!

    I started on MC just a couple months before I lucked across the Empire ( thanks to my lucky rabbits foot i guess :) )

    So been just over a year for me.
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  6. The_Mancub
    I have been playing for just over 7 years
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  7. Hm, I think I had it written down somewhere, but it's on a drive inside a pc that's probably dead.
    But it was somewhere in 2011.

    Oh, and my name is 607.
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  8. jossytheninja here :p I've been playing MC and on EMC for 2 years :)
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  9. Alaenia and I've been playing since 1.8.0's launch.

    Though the server I started on was in 1.7 and HEAVILY modded... where playing the vanilla was boring.

    And then the server went down because the person moved and never put it back up; So I started building in single player and watching Rooster Teeth's Achievement Hunter guys play Minecraft.
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  10. Rain90009

    On and off for almost 4 years!
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  11. I, SkeleTin007, have been playing EMC for almost 3 and a half years and by the way congrats on 4 years ;)
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  12. Bump

    Im pushing back the picking time to friday because im going to washington dc.
    Alaenia and SkeleTin007 like this.
  13. I've been playing this game of cubes since October of 2013 :D
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  14. Ok and the winners have been chosen!

    16 and 31, meaning the winners are takenID and skeletin007!!

    Prize will be mailed later tonight! Thanks for participateing! All participants will be mailed 4 diamonds (1 for each year :p)
    Raaynn likes this.
  15. :p Thanks Ex!
  16. Congrats all!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  17. Lots of ppl entered, so to save rupees on mailing just meet me in game for your 4 participation diamonds if you want them!

    Winners have each been mailed a momentus toothpick as their prize! Thanks for entering!