Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MrAdazahi, Mar 13, 2017.


How to pronounce gif/jif?

Jif 8 vote(s) 34.8%
Gif 15 vote(s) 65.2%
  1. Wot mate?? 4 years of emc?

    /p exexunderscore

    [its like 270 days]

    Thats not 4 years!!!

    This is minecraft in general, not EMC :p


    I will be giveing away a promo, i havent chosen which but will edit OP when i choose :)

    Want to enter?
    Reply your Username, and how long you have been playing minecraft. Your post number is your entery number. 2 winners will be picked on march 20th via random.org !

    Edit: will not be picked until friday of this week due to me going to washington dc.
    Tuq_SolidColor and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. Equinox_Boss
    5 years +

    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  3. jaqque

    I've been playing since.... ???

    Ryan_A_, Carbonyx, Tuqueque and 3 others like this.
  4. Rip
    ExExUnderscore and jaqque like this.
  5. Congrats on playing minecraft for 4 years.
    I signed up I think January of 2015. Only because my cousin finally convinced me to play on his account over Christmas break to try it out. Played on my own until I got bored. Found EMC that October and have been here since.
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  6. Sachrock
    I am a time traveller :p

    EDIT- I actually played around when Minecraft was first released, it was confusing to my parents as they would pay money and receive a virtual copy of a game and nothing physical, even though most people thought that they were going to be shipped a hard copy of Minecraft and the digital download was just the beta, it turned out they canceled the physical copies of the games and they were just going to stick to digital download :p
  7. Nuclearbobomb

    About 3 years
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  8. Ya i don't know how to check that.

    FalloutHood55 about 2+ years
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  9. June 2012
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  10. Generalwillikers I've been on emc for close to 3 so my guess is 5+ years
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  11. Congratulations! I remember you. ;)
    3 years on EMC.
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  12. Bumpiebump
  13. Jay2a
    Around 6 years
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  14. WolfInAction
    About 2 years
    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  15. takenID
    NamesTaken (My Alt... not mentioning him.) (EDIT: not putting him in giveaway*)

    Been on EMC for almost 1,000 days, probably been playing MC since 1.7? 1.6? So since 2014... that's = 3+-ish years? But I have been watching Youtubers play it since about alpha/beta... 2010-2011 = 6+ years.

    ExExUnderscore likes this.
  16. Yah i was sorta the same i watched skydoesmc and others for a long while before i got it if i got it as soon as i saw ppl playin it id have 6+ years :p
  17. Hey ExEx, just wanted to remind you that you have to wait until 3 hours have passed since the last post on the thread to bump the thread again. Relevant comments, updates, and replies are ok, but actual "bumps" still have a 3 hour timer on them. Thanks!
    ExExUnderscore and Tuqueque like this.
  18. I think it was 3 hours between but guess im a bad counter x_x
    Tuq_SolidColor likes this.
  19. Ex! Not 3 hours from your last post. 3 hours from anyone's post. :D
    ExExUnderscore and Tuqueque like this.