What have you gotten from level 10 custom mobs?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AdinD, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. What do you usually get from level 10 mobs and bosses? What are the best drops you've gotten?
    Equinox_Boss and AyanamiKun like this.
  2. a headache ^.^

    i got a dirt destroying tock from fighting momentus last year. was best drop ever b/c it made a friend of mine really jelly :D
    Carbonyx, AhsokaTower, 607 and 2 others like this.
  3. Death. So much death.
    Carbonyx, BenMA and AhsokaTower like this.
  4. I got 11 Viruses, 20+ Frags and a Ticking Tock from a diff 10 Momo :D

    Also, if you can, push Momo into water! He's much easier to deafeat that way!
  5. I got a helm from a momentus awhile ago, but this was back in the day when they didn't regen health upon player death. :/
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  6. the type and amount of drops you get drops considerably when you do that. I gave up on hunting momos when they fixed the mobs.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. I like the Netherhound drops if they dont kill me first :0
  8. I have gotten a Marlix Bow and a Vault Voucher from Marlix on difficulty 10
  9. I fought a Momentus on difficulty 10, once. With a friend of mine (GeneralWillikers) and both wearing voters gear. Lets just say that the battle was very tiresome and soon became plain out tedious. We even managed to get Momo near some water but he would more than often draw us in and then you'd be standing in the middle of Momo and his merry men and that really doesn't end too well with voters gear :p Most of the time we simply couldn't get any damage in at all, because we were killed first :D That can get frustrating ;)

    We used a group for this so eventually we decided to lower the difficulty to 9 because we had been fighting for roughly 45min (irl) and without any visual progress at all. For all we knew we were right back at the start, also because of the tons of messages saying "Momentus regained health from the death of...", and considering the small amounts of damage we did and the many times we died... :eek:

    So back to 9, then we fought for another 10 or so minutes and finally... the beast got slain. We got a DDTT, some diamonds and I believe a vault voucher as well. General kept the tock because he collected (and displayed) promos and I nabbed the rest.

    But after seeing Aya nab a DDTT at difficulty 4 or 5 I somewhat gave up with the higher difficulty levels. I fought dozens of Momo's on my own while on 7 or 8 and even though it did give me some good drops I didn't really see much difference from playing on 5 or 6 and 7 or 8 (note: I'm not claiming that there's no difference, just that I don't really recall that big differences).

    And well, 6 also gives me good stuff. But... Seeing Aya rage on in the nether (nether hounds) and the stuff they drop makes me seriously wonder if I shouldn't go on a "nether hound killing course" instead :D Last time Aya helped me out she got (from the top of my head) 14 diamonds, one+ stack of gun powder, 20 - 30 cooked beef, 12 (or so) nether quartz, several nether bricks and even some rotten flesh :D And that only took her 5 minutes or so.
    607 likes this.
  10. How do you even fight them alone? I'll go out with full prot 4 unbreaking 3 mending on level 5 and the second it tp's me in I'll die unless I gapple.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. Voters gear.

    When I spot a Momentus I secure my items, place a bed nearby and use it (so that I respawn on that location after I die, always very important!) and then I just go at him. Voters gear might not be as powerful as god gear, it's also not totally useless either (my voters sword still has Sharpness I & Fire Aspect which still do damage no matter what).

    And if I die? Then so be it, I respawn with all my armor and gear and go right at him again. I simply repeat this process until Momo is dead.
    bartonkids_deco1 and 607 like this.
  12. Push it into water.
    bartonkids_deco1 likes this.
  13. wait really? Doesn't he tp you into the water? While you are fighting the enraged guardians, he could essentially drown you in the water. :p

    Never tried to fight a diff 10 momentus. Sounds scary.
    bartonkids_deco1 likes this.
  14. bubbles and nothing... but used my fist :p
    bartonkids_deco1 likes this.
  15. With a voters helmet, I get a high level aqua affinity and didnt need to go up for air as much. And he does TP you to him, but its very hard for him to hit you in the water. Momo isn't the problem, its the enraged guardians, but since they cant dive underwater, just stay below as long as you can :p
    607 likes this.
  16. Tokens are my prize.
  17. yes, almost forgot tokens :p I got 4k