[AUCTION] 1 SC Elytra

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Blunce, Feb 27, 2017.

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  1. Item: 1 SC unused, unenchanted Elytra (27 Elytra total)
    Starting Bid: 10000r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1000r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 Hours after last valid bid
    Pickup: /v 3361 on smp2
  2. Doesn't this have to be Double Chest quantity since it is non-enchanted vanilla item?
  3. Nope, the auction is valid :) The rules say that, unenchanted, minimum quantity is 5:

    "Nether Stars, Beacons & Elytra (unenchanted) can be auctioned off with a minimum quantity of 5."
  4. Thank you, I hadn't seen the updated version of that. I guess I should have looked first. Sorry to cloud this auction...
  5. le bump.

    Current winner is Sachrock at 105k.
  6. 110,000 rupees
    Blunce likes this.
  7. 200k
    Blunce likes this.
  8. less than 24 hours remaining
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