An Astronomically Odd Occasion!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Raaynn, Feb 20, 2017.


I absolutely couldn't not never disagree against this Auction!

Yes! 17 vote(s) 68.0%
No! 8 vote(s) 32.0%
  1. This here Magical Event is to CELEBRATE absolutely nothing in particular whatsoever.

    Winner is he/she/etc whom is able to divine the playing card I will withdraw from a deck of 52 normal, regular type playing cards ♠♥♣♦ (Thus there are but 52 entries possible) ONE entry per player, no alts please. One player per card :D

    Entries will be accepted only up until the Culmination of the next Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse.
    Any entries received after this point in time will be cast into the dark abyss at the fringes of the nether... or simply ignored...

    WINNING PSYCHIC (if there is one) shall receive a chest with the following tools of the trade:

    • 1 Magical Eggcellent Wand
    • 1 Meteor Bow
    • 64 Shiny arrows
    • 1 Enchanted book to Infinity
    • 64 Bottles of Enchanting
    • 1 Pot of Gold (unused)
    • 1 Enchantment table
    • the Decapitated head of the White Mage
    • 100,000 rupees

    • 1 Bento box, in case you get hungry stargazing...
    AS WELL I accept additional donations on-board ship (The Nether Star) at v 12010. A preview chest is also set up there to inspect these artifacts of wonder.


    A♠- Keliris .................... A♥- samtheboo............ A♣-EndermanMagic ..... A♦ SkeleTin007..
    K♠-benthebobjr ........... K♥- Lomax70.............. K♣- Shadow_Dcord....... K♦-WitherDoggie ..
    Q♠- K_Kick................... Q♥- Equinox_boss..... Q♣ .................................. Q♦- NuclearBobomb .
    J♠- Doofankfofkort.. J♥- RandomBumbleBee.. J♣- _devil_ .................... J♦- Jay2a ...............
    10♠- 607 ...................... 10♥ ............................ 10♣- AhsokaTower .......... 10♦- nltimv .................
    9♠- RainbowPony.......... 9♥-fluffinator09 ........ 9♣..................................... 9♦- MocoMiner .........
    8♠- Kungfucactus .......... 8♥- Zrugite.................. 8♣- WolfInAction .......... 8♦ ........................
    7♠- NathanRP................ 7♥-Allicanto ............... 7♣-TechNinja_42 .......... 7♦- Sachrock .......
    6♠ ................................... 6♥- Rundercaster........ 6♣- finch_rocks_1.......... 6♦- Eviltoade .........
    5♠- TomvanWijnen ...... 5♥- X_Glitch_x .......... 5♣- MrClydeBarrow ...... 5♦- Tuq_SolidColor ..
    4♠- Empiremall ............ 4♥- jossytheninja ........ 4♣- FalloutHood55......... 4♦-Daynsyy
    3♠- Crystaldragon13 ..... 3♥- FadedMartian ....... 3♣- BenMA .................... 3♦- Aracerer ..........
    2♠- Vortixin ................... 2♥- CallumDAKing ..... 2♣- Haerhitman ............ 2♦- JognKid ............


    Hocus Pocus!

  2. 9 of Hearts
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. Ace of Spades
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Jack of spades, why not. :p
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. 4 of Diamonds! :D

    This is really cool!
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. 3 of clubs :)
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. King of diamonds.
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. 7 of hearts plz :p
    great giveaway
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. Six o' hearts.
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. Ace of hearts.
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. 4 o' clubs. I like this

    Using my powers
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. Nine of Spades, please :)
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. 7 of diamonds
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. 8 of hearts
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. 6 of clubs
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  16. already taken
    just thought i would let you know :p
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. 4 of diamonds pls <3
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. Seven of spades please :)
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  19. King of Hearts, please. Thank you. :)
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.