Soulbound Wolves?

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Daynsyy, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. Can it not be constructed using a blaze rod? Or is it a non-craftable item?

  2. Swimmin' in loyal canines. Do they eggs always hatch as untamed babies, even after tamed?
  3. Blaze, Ghasts, Nether Hounds, and Pigmen all spawn in the nether, Oh and the Mini Pigmen.
    Daynsyy likes this.
  4. Have you tried changing your difficulty level. Goes from /diff 1 to /diff 10
    You might be on default which is /diff 5
    The difficulty is a Player setting that can be accessed through /ps
    Daynsyy likes this.
  5. I'm far too embarrassed to state which difficulty I'm on, but yeah, haha. I just really suck D:
  6. it is ok I play on 1 for most of the time
    Daynsyy likes this.
  7. same =P
    Daynsyy likes this.
  8. I feel a lot better for playing on 2 now, haha. Only reason I didn't go for one was the extra drops. Man I wish I was good enough for the sick drops.
    607 likes this.
  9. You could try venturing out with a friend or 2. *cough *caugh bodyguard
    Crafty_Angyl and 607 like this.
  10. As soon as I find people willing to risk their virtual lives to adventure with me, the company will be very gratefully welcomed :) I've been trying to infiltrate a stronghold for a couple of days, was literally just about to post seeing if anyone wanted to join me. Fingers crossed!
    607 likes this.
  11. What SMP? What time of day do you usually play? I may be willing to assist with a stronghold, only real tricky part is the silverfish.
    607 likes this.
  12. Just thought I'd add that it's very cool that the wolves wait for you. I found a couple of my tamed canine soldiers where I left them in the Wastelands a couple of days after I'd been :D and miles away from spawn too!
    607 likes this.
  13. SMP1! Though I think it's just one hella huge abandoned mineshaft to be honest. I haven't played properly since about 1.7 so I'm getting used to all the new features. Didn't post the photo after realising it wasn't a stronghold :( I don't have a usual time that I play yet to be honest! If I'm online on the forum though, it's cause I'm playing :)
    607 likes this.
  14. Just in case:

  15. I'll probably be on later, but with the 5 hour time difference, I'm not sure I'll catch you. Yeah, mineshafts can be challenging. Easy to get lost in them. I use a torch system when exploring them or caves. Torches go on the left when I'm head in (in my head it's left leaving right returning) and 2 on the floor at intersections to mark which path I came from. Then as I hit dead ends I put a line across the floor to mark that section is cleared. Hope that helps!
    607 likes this.
  16. Personally I think that it would make sense if there was a kennel or some expansion on the stable that allowed you to store and summon tamed mobs and possibly villagers instead of having to rely on egging a tamed animal and retaming it elsewhere. Like with horses you would have a limited number of slots for that species, but you could always breed them when you get there for more. Since you can't mount a dog, cat or villager like you can an equine or llama you would use the store command for cats, wolves, whatever and then have to right click on the mob to select the mob to be stored.

    I only just started playing yesterday so if any of that is already in use feel free to slap me with it, this thread is the first I've heard of being able to store a mob in an egg with an item.
    Mob_Meal likes this.