It means he backs it up. An endorsement usually pertains to monetary backing but anyone can endorse an idea by simply stating their names in reference to it. like signing a petition. Not sure if you were joking (because of smiley) so I answered the question. Nothing illegal in that, you can make anything for yourself, as they say before any sports broadcast "for personal use".
I guess its a secret, or is it that AznEks is a secret, or there is a secret whatever that is? Is it backwards? skenza? A code? Marcus fits. Or a anagram? A cryptogram? another type of gram? Why is the floor spinning towards my face?
Because I only know English. Wait I really dont I tried to read the dictionary and found over 2000 words I never heard before. I know american? Maybe?
AznEks is not in another language, technically. Secret Agent X SecretAsianX SecretAsianEks SecretAznEks It would have been 'SecretAsianEcks' but that was too long and complex for me.
I got the x part but i really did not think azn would stand for agent, asian? it looked liked ' a zone x' thought it was a inside joke or something. Now I know, and knowing is power!
I would like to have one of these EMC t-shirts, if they were to become available. Simply because.. I like EMC, and wearing a shirt that says so would be amazing.
*Bows graciously.* I shall be participating in the design contest for this. Also, I expect to pay for the shirt, like any other normal person would, because I do not like special treatment.
You have helped me a few times as well as helped many others, you may not want special treatment but you have given us special treatment, can't we thank you for that? Plus I cannot sell the shirts, sorry but taking any form of payment would violate copyrights law, would you make me a criminal?
Fine, but special treatment? I give no one special treatment. I help everyone because, well.. Weren't we all noobs at some point? It's best to help out, and clear the frustrations of not understanding.
It is special treatment when someone takes their time to help you. It is not your responsibility you do it anyway. In real life we call people like that heroes. We admire them. It should be no different in games. Consider the fact that there are over 40 people in a server at any given time, how many answer when a question is asked? How many simply say 'look it up'? You may not think that what you do is special, it is. We can do no great things, only small things with great love. ~Mother Teresa Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~Dr. Seuss How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. ~William Shakespeare What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. ~Albert Pike When you do for others, others will remember you.
Helping others is something lots of people do, not just me. A lot of my friends helped me out when I was a newbie, and help out other players too. I just try to treat others how I want to be treated, you know? If I'm confused about something, I'd like some help, so if someone else is confused about something, I'll give them help. It isn't special treatment, it isn't even special, it's just common sense.