POLL: Lets build something big. What big project should the biggest "Non-Staff" builders?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Buildershed, Jan 21, 2017.


What should the greatest builders of SMP5 Build?

A lot of big statues of the whole entire Empire Minecraft Staff with a castle around them. 2 vote(s) 13.3%
The whole entire Alola region(includes aether paradise) 5 vote(s) 33.3%
A giant redstone replica of Innovation Research Laboratories. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
City of New York 4 vote(s) 26.7%
London 4 vote(s) 26.7%
  1. Hey SMP5, Why not build something awesome and GIANT in the frontier on smp5!.

    I feel like we need to blow minds with a build that will probably be the biggest project on SMP5.


    1. A lot of big statues of the whole entire Empire Minecraft Staff with a castle around them.

    2. The whole entire Alola region(includes aether paradise)

    3.A giant redstone replica of Innovation Research Laboratories.

    4.City of New York

  2. NYC skyline would be so cool.
    Rimont likes this.
  3. I'm not sure about any of the options.

    Yes, I am a very well-experienced builder, but I generally try to create original concepts.

    Plus, there are so many other things I want to do on EMC, now that we're on 1.11.
    ShelLuser and UltiPig like this.
  4. You so need to build the entire Alola region :p
  5. Honestly, I would love to see some giant build out in the wild. ATM, the biggest build I can think of off the top of my head is the LLO, and that's been dead for awhile. If we were to make a massive city or something out in the wild, I would absolutely love to help.
  6. The poll will close when the poll hits 50K views and votes.

    I think that building alola on the frontier will be most voted.
  7. What are we going to build first

    1. A lot of big statues of the whole entire Empire Minecraft Staff with a castle around them.
    The statues

    2.The whole entire Alola region(includes aether paradise)
    Aether Paradise

    3.A giant redstone replica of Innovation Research Laboratories.
    The lobby

    4.City of New York
    Coastline buildings

    Again: Coastline buildings
  8. 50k? Do you mean 50?
  9. I hope so. Cause if not... May be a while...
  10. I meant 50,000 by 50K
  11. ...you do realize that that's about 1/9 of every player that has ever logged on to EMC, only a fraction of which are active, and only a fraction of those who are active actually use the forums?
    fluffinator09 and UltiPig like this.
  12. just how about the building community on smp5
  13. A giant alien colony with spaceships taking off and landing. Maybe have secret government base near by to spy on the aliens.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  14. All of those sound dope, I'll send some help your way once you get started ;)