Perm support question

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Bonditt, Dec 31, 2016.

  1. Is it possible to make the perm voucher not 125$ more reasonable like 100$? Because ppl like me now are buying more and more supporters and perm stuff and they have to spend no 95.5$ more then it cost now because of the money translation :(. Please respond

    Aikar u are getting called out
  2. Getting called out for what? The vouchers cost that much because of the perks and because you are, hence the name, supporting the server. EMC isn't cheap to run, if you look on the supporter page, it gives you the total cost to run EMC monthly.
  3. Perm protection vouchers are very powerful since they protect you permanently. Paying $125 isn't much since you never have to worry about going derelict. Besides, as Ben said, EMC isn't exactly cheap to run.
    LordessSpartan_ likes this.
  4. I bought mine when they first came out, so i dont have to worry much about this.

    Although when you do the math, it works out....

    12x10$ for gold 120$
    12x20$ for diamond 240$

    Although you dont get the perks of supporter, you dont have to worry about loosing your reses. This is good for those like me who work and are in school (College) or even those who travel a lot for work.

    If you dont have the money for one, then save up some cash.... Think If you are Gold for a year you are 5$ short as seen above, and Diamond you save....

    Now that they removed the ability to buy rupees they have them raised a bit....

    Also take into consideration of those who buy it ingame.... Sure its hard to find, and can be costly, but its another option for payment if you dont have the funds...

    Also a small tip, is watch the currency exchange over time, and when your dollar is very high, that when you buy....

    For example;
    1CND = 0.90USD
    That is when you would buy.

    Also, you can see the costs of the server on the support page....

    So think of what i said, and hope it helps a bit, :)
    LordessSpartan_ likes this.
  5. Thanks! But I won't need to save up I have all the money I need
  6. Show off ;)