So I was going through trophies just now trying to work out what I'd need to do to get legendary member. It occurred to me, that for being registered for 5 years you get 150 point, but for getting 10,000 likes you only get 70 points. And to be fair, it's a much greater a achievement and much more representative of activity to get 10,000 likes than to be registered for five years. I understand that legendary member isn't meant to be easy to achieve, but just purely from the point of view of wanting to recognise those who have positively contributed more the community, rebalancing this a bit might be cool. Just an idea
I'm not sure if rebalancing would be good as it'd probably change the current scores of people, but I do agree that you get way too many points for age. Staying (or leaving and coming back) for 5 years will give you 415 points, and getting to 50000 likes will give you 487. That's more, but not by much. What I also don't get is why you get more and more points for each age trophy, while you've stayed for the same amount of time: 1 year. It's not like it gets harder and harder to stay. I'd say it's the opposite. So that doesn't make sense.
I totally, 100%, completely agree. How has nobody ever brought this up before? I object. There have been many times where I've come close to saying 'screw it' and just logging out and never coming back. The frequency where that happens increases each year, because I feel like I've done everything there is for me to do. There's also the matter of the server and community changing - something, that recently, has been infuriating me to no end. Obviously, it's different for each person. Just thought I'd give my opinion on that part
We won't be adjusting the current ones, but for any futures we will re-balance. The current extensions were made in the same activity pattern as they were originally. Since the titles focus primarily on age of member, that was the standard. Like I said though, year 6 and on will be re-balanced.
I get that, but I still have to ask. Is there anything stopping you other than just not changing what existed before you started adding more?
Yeah, that's what I thought to. It's unfortunate, but I think we shouldn't try changing anything that's already in place. Keeping this feedback in mind for potential future trophies would be good, though.
I like the thinking but I think you'll never be able to please everyone here. No, you hung on for one more year There is a difference in my opinion. It might even make it more appealing for players who left to come back (that's a major stretch of course!). Because of all the extra forum points (ok, ok, I'll be more serious now)
To me there is, too, but then I think you should get less points for every consecutive year. Having it stay the same is okay, but having it get more really doesn't make sense to me.