[Auction] 50 DCs of SNOWBALLS!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by IronClad1017, Dec 24, 2016.


Do you like snowballs?

Yes 7 vote(s) 58.3%
Yes 5 vote(s) 41.7%
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  1. Happy Holidays Empire Community!
    Did you have a great time at the community snow ball fight? Of course you did!
    Are you sad you ran out of snow balls? Ya, me too.
    Replenish your snowball armory with 50 DCs of them!
    Items: 50 DCs of snowballs
    Starting bid: 1r
    Minimum bid increase: 1r
    Auction ends 48 hours after last valid bid
    Nickblockmaster and Tuqueque like this.
  2. Do I need this in any way shape or form? No.

    Will I ever need this in any way shape or form? No.

    Am I going to bid? Absolutely. 5k
  3. Haha! Christmas spirit needs no reason
  4. Goals:
    1) Win this auction
    2) Have chests delivered to my empty res
    3) make snow and ice hills
    4) invite all of EMC for a snowball fight
    5) 5100 r
  5. 6k might as well
    TopCatGuru likes this.
  6. Christmas bump c:
  7. 6,001
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. Thread closed, I will contact you in game Maniac Mustache
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