The Player You Respect The Most on The Internet

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Ritunn, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. There is not very people I respect in any internet community, who don't have power. Only a limited amount of internet users have earned such an accolade from me, my World of Warcraft Guild Leader, Ellinath and one other person from our own community on EMC. Who is that? Well that would be Shelluser, who I suspect you all know very well.

    This, in a way is my personal thanks to him for being such a great member of EMC. His guides are helpful, he's not afraid to voice his opinion and most importantly to me, he is an inspiration. The only reason I've been writing for you all with stories, such as Eldritch Nights and my monster guide by a more interesting figure, is because of Shell, and Kephras too. They've really been an inspiration to me, to improve my writing and story telling skills.

    Now, I may still be trying figure out the mystery on whether AnayamiKun is Shell's alt (I think I'm close), I truly think Shelluser is an example of what a respected internet user should be like, helpful, generous and kind (with some good grammar skills too!). This is why Shelluser is the most respected person for me on the internet. So thanks for being the great guy you are to everyone.

    Now that I told you all of that, I want to ask you the same question. Doesn't necessarily need to be on EMC, you just say who and why.

    Edit: I also realized I may have messed up the title while changing it...
  2. Lols You Player, Dat typo doe
  3. Maybe a mod could correct it? No idea how that works still...
  4. Just reverse it :p
    MajorHaze likes this.
  5. Report your post and ask to fix the title to what you want it to say :p
  6. I see typos in the op :p
  7. Insert a ton of these: :oops:

    Thanks DCord, not sure how to respond to this, other than being extremely flattered. Thanks, I have to admit being a little surprised here :) Well, sort off, you did share this one time before if I'm not mistaken.

    One thing though: the Internet is a big place, you might want to limit it to the Empire ;)

    So I suppose it's my turn now? Because this is a very hard cookie to crack to be honest, there are quite a lot of players who I admire, who I envy (in a good way!), and who I plain out respect for what they do. Even if I don't always agree with them or when I think they're plain out wrong on some points :)

    But if I had to name one player who I respect the most on the Empire it has to be Khixan.

    It's not just PWU (for which she is most famous for) but mostly for what lies beyond PWU. Because even though most of us would associate PWU with Khixan fact of the matter is that there's a whole team behind it which supports it. Best of all: the whole team matters, each does their own little thing but bring all that together and you get the PWU team.

    One can also say that Khixan managed to organize something important to do for a larger group of players, and as a result dozens of other players got to enjoy the results of their efforts. I have to admit sometimes being a little envious (in a positive way!) of the way she manages to organize things and work them out.

    I still remember the SMP8 "/wild c incident". I'm not going to go into too much detail, but I will say that a huge part of the repairs were done thanks to Khixan's organizing tasks. Fact.

    So yah :)
  8. Well typos should be good now, not sure about grammatical.
    LordessSpartan_ likes this.
  9. I really respect Khixan on EMC =3 Not only is she a really kind person but also does a lot for our community!
    ThaKloned likes this.
  10. Not even close. Khixan hands down. Just don't let her have chocolate :cool:
    LordessSpartan_ likes this.
  11. I have no idea what this is about because of the title and the OP just confused me more lol. I'll just go with 'people I respect on the internet' (what I assume you meant?) instead of 'players I respect the most on the internet'.

    I think the people I respect on the internet are my internet friends, PewDiePie, and Matty Healy (basically just my two 'idols' lol).

    I find it impossible to respect anybody else, because they can twist your image of them however they like. They can do whatever they want; good or bad, and people probably won't ever know the real them. It's weird. That's why I put internet friends there - I feel like I've known them all long enough to know who they actually are, and I've had actual voice and video conversations with them all at some point.

    The two famous people are there just because... I feel like they're not pretending to be somebody else while they're on the internet. The person they project to the internet, they realise, is an extension of themselves - not an entirely different person. And I just love Matty's perspectives on everything, and how he expresses it - like when he stopped a concert just to talk to the crowd so he could call Donald Trump a massive [bad word lel]. I like his internet presence because it gives me more - like his Instagram post of where people put the used cigarettes in two slots in a box: 'Remain' or 'Brexit'. He's cool.
  12. TheLegend27
    AlexC__, SoulPunisher and samsimx like this.
  13. Same, TheLegend27 keeps kicking my ass.
  14. Who is TheLegend27?
  15. Thanks for changing the title (insert mod name here).
    ShelLuser likes this.
  16. A mystery only a group of kids with a dog driving around in a van can solve.
    jkjkjk182 and LordessSpartan_ like this.
  17. Some say TheLegend27 is the first Game Of War player ever. Born from fire.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. I got TheLegend27 on my friends list for Steam.