Eventually, there will come a day when you decide you don't wan't to play Empire Minecraft. So, before you leave Empire Minecraft, what would you do with your items? Give them to a friend? Put them in a drop party? Give them away? I, personally, would send people on a scavenger hunt looking for my items.
If I had any items left, I'd probably sell them or give them to my friends (and the money I'd get off selling them). However, I don't log in very often anymore, and I sometimes let months slip by between log-ins. During one such gap, I went derelict and lost 2 years of promos, iron, gold, diamond, tools, everything. So... I have no items left to do anything with besides a few stacks of dirt (which I wrote 'laku noc' with on my res...), some wood, and a few items. I'd probably just burn those in lava. Side note; where's the 'they make me want to stab myself in the eyes with toothpicks in the hopes of never seeing a meme again' option in the poll?
I've already promised my Maxarian Shoes to someone if I ever leave without permanent protection. I would probably give my other promos to someone that would take care of them and not just sell them because I put a lot of effort into my collection.
If I knew I was leaving EMC for good, I'd probably just open my chests to everyone and let people just come in and take what they can.
If I was to ever leave, im probably gonna host a grief party for both of my resses then pay all my r to someone random
id spend three weeks moving all my stuff into the far wild, then i would leave a non-descript post on the forums detailing how to find it using complicated overworld instructions Ex. you are going to see a tall dark oak tree that has three blocks of netherrack atop it head east from there when you come to the river that bisects the continent follow it north
I think the only way I somehow give my stuff away is when the EMC servers shuts down. (Please hold for at least 10 years !)
Three weeks to move all your stuff!? We've seen your stuff...it'd be like 3 days I kid because I care.
I would give something to each person in my friends list and then giveaway all of the rest fairly to people
The main problem I can think of is this: how sure are you that you'll be gone forever? I suppose a fresh start won't hurt, but if it catches you surprised then it can be quite an issue to deal with. Most likely best to use /vault, enderchests (one on each server, free storage!) and maybe something in the wild from helping you to keep some items even if you do go derelict. But I'm also not planning on leaving, and if had to leave for a while then I don't plan to stop voting