Probably this. I don't have many rare items. My favorite creation on EMC is probably my gold farm that I made with one other person. We made it because we can get free experience and gold. It's a tie between oak and birch. 37 is already taken. Thanks. Me. I'm not letting the toad, the frog, or the chicken win.
*Shrugs* It's mostly just the other people I see on EMC. I've said before that I'm not liking Minecraft as much, and that affects how much I play on EMC. My favorite author in real life is Rick Riordan. I don't have a favorite author in Minecraft. Nope.
Congrats there I will take 47 if available This should be easy. What is your favorite thing from the EMC events this year?
I like The Martian. I don't really have a specific reason why. Point taken. I haven't really thought about this one before. I don't really know. The Empire Shop, obviously. Definitely still Fire Floor.
EDIT: 18 is taken, choose another number. I'm 102% in favor of this. Orebuster. It's one of the only promos I got that I've ended up using. Why not all memes? (See reply to jjhhgg100123)
Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on 5 years! How many servers have you lived on/had res's on during your time here? I'll take lucky 13, please