SMP8, you worry me.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kephras, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. Breeding gives hearts
    Hearts make luv
    Luv is hears
    Mule no breed mule no heart
    Mule no heart mule no luv
    Tuqueque likes this.
  2. 1. It's possible to love without expressing it in the form of floating heart symbols.
    2. It's possible to love somebody without them loving you back.
    Tuqueque and Jelle68 like this.
  3. *watches discussion veer dangerously close to sex-ed...*
  4. Is not sex-ed, is biology and kinda common knowledge.

    Horse and Donkey have offspring mule, because they are not same species, then they have genetic problems. BUT, will the mule love its parents, the answer is yes. Another example is when you hug a friend, do hearts appear? NO! but still, it is love. After all, smp8 is the official love server
    Sgt_Pepper4, 607 and Dufne like this.
  5. Oh look, squids!
    No more mules, k? k.
    Tuqueque, Sgt_Pepper4 and Candlewax like this.
  6. Glad to see this post still active xD
    Tuqueque and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  7. I need a gf/bf... to SMP8 I go! Y'all got any creepers I can date?
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. You can date my alt
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. I was thinking more of the "hiss... hiss... BOOM" kind of creepers.

    Reading this thread... as soon as I get the money I'm upgrading to gold and getting a res on SMP8!
    Sgt_Pepper4, Kephras and Tuqueque like this.
  10. Now I wonder if you can get close enough to a creeper to nametag it without it going thermonuclear on you.
    Also, I love your profile pic there. Cute and colorful!
    Tuqueque and 607 like this.
  11. Rhyduf sees all, knows all.
    Dufne, 607, Tuqueque and 1 other person like this.
  12. *un-kills thread*
    607, Carbonyx, Sgt_Pepper4 and 4 others like this.
  13. I saw that pop up in chat.... and it worried me. But I didn't think to put it here like you did.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  14. I shamelessly liked the OP in November of 2016
  15. Better late than never? ;)
  16. True story
    Tuqueque likes this.