Can anyone build this on emc?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by FriedLikeRice, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. Yeah, I'll do it. Just give me 4 years.
    Lordess_Spartan and cowland123 like this.
  2. I think he meant in a quicker way.....
  3. If given the materials and the map I can do it in less than 3 weeks tops (if I wanted to) unfortunately I have my own builds to do and this isn't interesting enough to me to work on it 3 weeks straight.
  4. I can't even build a dirt house properly XD
    Fexu, CallumDAKing, ShelLuser and 2 others like this.
  5. Is there a world download?
  6. not sure thats the only pic i have ever been able to find of it
  7. Real question is,

    Why horse? Why not like a giant statue of the one and only... Me
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. Themoghorse. New alt name.
    Kytula, Themoglover and nuclearbobomb like this.
  9. Yeah, I could build a small canal.
    ShelLuser, ThaKloned and DufnePoodle like this.
  10. UltiPig likes this.
  11. I could built that in 1000000 years don't worry :3
  12. Oooo I've seen the Kelpies irl, when my Dad was contracting in Edinburgh! Cool build, would be awesome on EMC! :p
    ShelLuser and Lordess_Spartan like this.
  13. if you are able to find the download of it i will be willing to help you out, would rather not try when it comes to the stair placement ;p
  14. Ah the Kelpie, a dangerous water spirit that devours humans and happens to look like a horse sometimes and a man other times. I do think there is somebody who would be interested I telling you more about these creatures.
    Kytula and Lordess_Spartan like this.
  15. Ooo I want to hear more about these creatures!
    Shadow_Dcord likes this.
  16. If you guys are going to build this (I assume it'll be in the Frontier?) then please be sure to stay out of the periodic reset area, just in case :)
  17. *Looks at build team*
    cowland123 likes this.
  18. ok then