WARNING => using "Web of Trust" plugin? READ THIS!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by ShelLuser, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. Thanks for letting us know, honestly I didn't know it was a thing but it sounds super important. Like, what kind of people would sell browser data :/ this is an outrage!!!!
  2. Everything for money I guess :confused:

    Thanks for the PSA! I don't use the plugin though (fortunately)
    ShelLuser, Lilzies and Kytula like this.
  3. Google lie way harder. But it doesn't matter, because they're not really discreet about it at this point. People will use their stuff anyway.

    Uninstalled. Now to look for alternatives lol
    Gawadrolt and ShelLuser like this.
  4. So.. Is Apple's Safari 'safe'?
  5. As long as the plugin isn't installed on the browser, it's safe (at least from this company) :)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  6. this is not a default plugin on browsers. It's something people installed to help them know about a websites trust level.
    607, nltimv and ShelLuser like this.
  7. A world were nothing is sacred. My data, your data....It's like everyone's data is just out there in the cyber space.
  8. Only plugins I use are McAfee (comes with subscription) and uBlock Origin for all dem ads.
  9. This thread is a classic example of why I love this server so darn much. We (as a community!) spot problems, we share them amongst us and then we all (staff and users alike) do our best to help spread the news (provided that it's important of course). <3 you guys :)
    607 and jhtk01 like this.
  10. I went to my Chrome Plugins and could not find Web of Trust. Is it hidden more deeply or do I not have that on my computer?
  11. You would have to manually install it.
    607, We3_MPO and ShelLuser like this.
  12. Ive known this for years! Its all about the money
  13. Thumbs up for mac users :D Safari saves sometimes lol =P
    ShelLuser and WolfInAction like this.
  14. ya think?!
  15. oh snap i think i have that plug-in, how would i remove it? (im using opera)
  16. Control-shift-E gets you to your extensions (or use the menu option), from there you can disable and remove it.
    607 likes this.
  17. Thank lordy I did not have this, I only use kas and a different plugin for ads (Can't remember off the top of my head.) Thanks for the warning though! I will definitely keep this in mind incase I do cross this!
  18. hunter2
  19. thank you for bringing this to our attention shell.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  20. And this yet another example of way I have never downloaded a third party plugin for my internet browser ever.
    ShelLuser likes this.