Help me with a school project

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by nltimv, Oct 30, 2016.


What types of games do you like to play?

Poll closed Nov 2, 2016.
Role Playing Games (RPGs) 14 vote(s) 43.8%
Shooters 8 vote(s) 25.0%
Indie 9 vote(s) 28.1%
Adventure 17 vote(s) 53.1%
Survival 18 vote(s) 56.3%
Action 11 vote(s) 34.4%
Massive Multi Players 10 vote(s) 31.3%
Simulation 9 vote(s) 28.1%
Sports 4 vote(s) 12.5%
Strategy 14 vote(s) 43.8%
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. I'm trying to comprehend how the old woman - that being me - who needs hearing aids and wears bifocals had the fastest reaction time. Cause really guys, that's just bloody freaky. I'm wondering if my internet connection is more solid than others or something. I do pay for business class because I work from home a lot. It isn't my equipment; I'm on an old MAC for gaming and personal stuff.
    Just food for thought for your research paper. I find my reaction score compared to the others rather unbelievable. I was actually curious enough to google the reaction test and take it again. 231 ms. So I am able to essentially replicate my score without issue. It's just weird.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. That's actually quite a lot. I did it again on computer and got 262 ms, much higher than I got on iPad, as it costed less time to press the button.
    But still a bit away from 231. I didn't even get that low once, let alone on average.
    khixan likes this.
  3. No, this has nothing to do with internet speed. The test will be fully loaded in on loading the page.

    If you look at the 2nd graph I posted, you'll see that you're not too far away from the others, so I don't think the result is unbelievable. You're just very fast at reacting :D
    607, ShelLuser and khixan like this.
  4. All items have been sent out to the winners, and the survey has been closed as well. Results are now being processed for for the research paper. A huge thank you to everyone who filled it out for taking your time to fill out the form. You're all amazing ;)

    If you have any further questions about the research, giveaway or the results, feel free to shoot me a PM :)
    607 and khixan like this.
  5. Closed as per request :)
    nltimv likes this.
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