A brand new trading card game played exclusively in EMC! Planned events: None as of now Have you ever wanted to fight with an amphibious assassin holding a bag of daggers? Maybe you dream of being king of the ocean and commanding armies? Or does a carpenter wielding 6 swords sound cooler to you? If you answered yes (or no) then check out what Awoken warriors has to offer! The days of human dominance on Earth are over. A mysterious plague known as the awakening has given sentience and new powers to the previously inanimate or useless. The war is over and both sides fight now more for glory than survival. Control fighters on both sides to destroy your opponent. There are a total of 18 unique cards to collect and battle with. Some are rare and some are common. Expand your collection to get the "one of a kind" and "lored" versions. For collectors, there are a total of 54 cards and versions to collect. What do I need to play? At a minimum you need 3 warrior cards and an opponent. It is recommended to have more cards than that though for optimal fun. How do I play? Follow this link! Do you want to battle others or collect them all? Check out the packs you can buy below. Post on this thread with the pack you want and send the rupees to me. I will send the pack through the mail system. Start pack: 1000r Comes with 4 warriors and 2 augments. A solid entry point into the game. There are enough cards to play, spawn one minion, and use 2 augments. Contains only common cards and one lored card. Booster pack: 500r 3 cards. 10% chance of rare and 20% chance of lored cards. Super booster pack: 800r 2 common cards and 1 rare card. 50% chance of lored. 10% chance of "one of a kind" card while they last. Single card: 200r 1 card. 20% chance of rare and 30% chance of lored cards. Special event cards: ?r Contact me if you have an event and would like to give them away. All packs and cards are randomly decided based on a random number generator.
I would like to purchase the following: 2 starter packs - 2,000r 3 Booster Packs - 1,500r 5 super booster packs - 4,500r TOTAL = 8,000r Thanks! (paid)
Hello, I would like to order... 2 starter packs- 2000r 2 booster packs- 1000r 2 super booster packs- 1600r Total - 4600r Thank you Paid !
3 starter packs - 3,000r 3 Booster Packs - 1,500r 5 super booster packs - 4,500r 5 Single Cards- 1,000r TOTAL = 10,000r Paying now
Is this game staff approved? Because you could easily rig the game by making rare cards have impossible odds. I'm not saying anything's wrong, but I want to make sure we can 'trust' this game.
Finished your order. Would you be able to pick them up on res 3400? Just walk inside and to the left. If not, I can deliver or mail although mailing them will be a pain. For everyone else, your order will be done tonight. I needed to get a ton more stock and wrote a python script to generate packs.
Sorry, I was working on the orders and forgot. Here is my answer: I have not specifically asked to get it approved but EvilToade just got his order so that should count for something in terms of staff approval. More importantly though, you wanted to know how you can trust the distribution of cards. Here is a python script I use every time someone asks for a deck. As long as the pack doesn't repeat a card 3 or more times, I will use it. You can run it yourself and see that it works. Basically, it generates cards and puts symbols next to them if they should be lored or one of a kind. If a card is one of a kind but has already been given out, I will switch that one out with another that hasn't. Code: from random import randint commonWarriors = ["Hiding", "because", "players should find", "Them themselves"] rareWarriors = ["Don't want to spoil fun", " OFDF", " DSDFDFn"] commonAugments = ["DFeld", " Rord", " Lettome", " Shan", " Eres", " Smob"] rareAugments = ["Annd", " Kielmet", " Mooms", " Bars"] common = commonAugments + commonWarriors rare = rareAugments + rareWarriors generatedDeck = [] def main(): print("Card generator 1.0 by me. Enter the pack you want to generate") print("Starter pack = 1, Booster pack = 2, SBP = 3, SC = 4") choice = int(input("Choose one: ")) choices = {1: SP, 2: BP, 3: SBP, 4: SC} generatedDeck = [] print(choices[choice]()) return def SP(): generatedDeck.append(commonAugments[randint(0, len(commonAugments) - 1)]) generatedDeck.append(commonAugments[randint(0, len(commonAugments) - 1)]) for i in range(0, 4): generatedDeck.append(commonWarriors[randint(0, len(commonWarriors) - 1)]) generatedDeck[randint(0, 5)] += "L: " return generatedDeck def BP(): numCards = 3 isLore = False if randint(0, 10) <= 2: isLore = True if randint(0, 10) <= 1: generatedDeck.append(rare[randint(0, len(rare) - 1)]) numCards -= 1 for i in range(0, numCards): generatedDeck.append(common[randint(0, len(common) - 1)]) if isLore: generatedDeck[randint(0, len(generatedDeck) - 1)] += "L: " return generatedDeck def SBP(): numCards = 3 isLore = False isOne = False if randint(0, 10) <= 5: isLore = True if randint(0, 10) <= 1: isOne = True generatedDeck.append(rare[randint(0, len(rare) - 1)]) for i in range(0, 2): generatedDeck.append(common[randint(0, len(common) - 1)]) if isLore: generatedDeck[randint(0, len(generatedDeck) - 1)] += "L: " if isOne: generatedDeck[randint(0, len(generatedDeck) - 1)] += "O: " #If it chooses the same lored and one of a kind, move lored down one and wrap around. return generatedDeck def SC(): isLore = False if randint(0, 10) <= 3: generatedDeck.append(common[randint(0, len(common) - 1)] + " L: ") elif randint(0, 10) <= 2: generatedDeck.append(rare[randint(0, len(rare) - 1)]) else: generatedDeck.append(common[randint(0, len(common) - 1)]) return generatedDeck if __name__ == "__main__": Are there any other concerns you have? Also, Your order is ready. Pick it up on 3400 if you can. If you have any questions, I will do my best to clarify them. Edit: Tuqueque, I will finish yours tomorrow and work on the people below you.
Your order is complete. You can pick it up at 3400 on the inside to the left. Don't forget to open your cards to check if it is lored and to look at stats. You got a one of a kind card.
I just finished yours. The chest is set up on 3400 inside and to the left. (for those wondering, I also completed the one before peculiar but she was online when it happened) Since quite a few people have bought cards, I will likely hold a tournament either this weekend or next weekend. What works best for people that have bought (or will buy) cards?
October 16th will be the first ever tournament at 6 PM EMC time. If you have purchased cards, be on 3400 at that time to compete. If you don't have any cards, there is still time to get a starter pack. The winner will get the "One of a kind" Orange Wizard, an already rare card. Are there any questions about the rules? I will answer them there but can also answer them here beforehand.
I would like to order 2 Starter Packs - 2000r 2 Booster Packs - 1000r 1 Super Booster Pack - 800r Total: 3800r Also I Just Payed :3
Just completed your order. Pick it up on 3400. Quick reminder that your order is still there. It is on 3400 as well.
I would like to buy: 3 starter packs - 3,000r 3 Booster Packs - 1,500r 5 super booster packs - 4,500r 9,000r. Paid.
The tournament will be starting very soon. Bring your cards to 3400 on smp2 to play. I am almost done with yours and will have it ready in time for the tournament. Edit: Just finished yours
On Halloween I will be taking part in the trick or treating fun by giving away a limited time card. The card will be lored and will only be available on that one night. If that isn't exclusive enough, I will also be holding a competition that night and the winner will get a One of a Kind version of the card.
I may be interested in a purchase as I am a TCG aficionado. I would love if there was a page where you could view all the possible collectible cards, like any TCG. If I do happen to like your game and I begin to understand the core mechanics more deeply I could help you with card design, which was a hobby of mine till recently. That is if you would like so.