[Reverse Auction]

Discussion in 'Reverse Auction Archive' started by petezman1, Oct 20, 2016.

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  1. I just have to say it
    your last 2 bump were 30min after the last post
    plz leave 3 hours in between like said before

    and 5200r
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  2. Ohhhh they have to be 3 hours after last post?!? I though they only had to be 3 hours after last bump :O I get it nowww I'm so stupid
    MissFable and Allicanto like this.
  3. Allicanto wins with 5200r. I will pay tonight and where's pickup ?
  4. i'll place the chest on my first res tomorrow
    i haven't got any time today to play
  5. chest has been placed on my first res :)
  6. and don't forget to pay :p
  7. yes will do. asap.
  8. Paid and picked up thanks
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