Hey There!Today's auction is Two DC's of Packed Ice Starting Bid: 1rMinimum Bid increment: 1kAuction ending Time: 48 Hours after last Valid Bid.Pickup is at /v +Bugle Auction on smp6(x2)Good Luck Bidding!
you could stop bidding too you have bid on every auction I have seen I think its time you stop getting in my way 15k
lol, but the thing is, I actually really NEED these icies (yes that's a word ), in fact, I'll need over 10 DCs of these im the future... So I figured I'd already start buying them 16k
you know you say that in very auction you have been in. plus I want these two so the game is on btw how do you have so much rupess for all these auctions?( yes that was a real question ) 17k
19k lol oops, tbh there are some auctions I bid in that I don't really need, but this is one that I do actually need Challenge accepted. Sometimes I wonder that myself too I'd say it's investing well (!), voting, and luck.
First why would you bid on stuff that you dont need?( is it just to annoy them?) Second with the Challenge accepted well your going to win because you have alot more rupees then me. Third what are you investing in and i would sure use some tips if you could pm me please. 20k
Well, not need at the moment, but probably in the future. And, I suggest you to visit 859 to see my "collection" And I actually don't have that many rupees, people think that, but it's not true And I'm investing in anything that I think could be profitable 21k