[PC] Flaming Mob Launcher

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by CraftyCosmic, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Okay, so this thread may have come up when it didn't need to, but it's alright - there are other people who want to know the price as well, so let's be civil :)
    From what I experienced, the Axestopper was always the one that was worth less for the coming months after initial release. Now that it's become extremely rare, like the other items, I'd say it's likely worth perhaps 500k, but I wouldn't say it's quite as desirable as the Flaming Mob Launcher.

    500k is a bit of a stab in the dark because I haven't seen sales in auction or in hand for this item in a very long time. But, I'd say it's still likely to be worth less than the Flaming Mob Launcher - if anyone has any more info on it though, then they are welcome to share!
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  2. Answer, bump, whatever you want to call it. Point is you posted on this thread that was over 6 months old.
  3. The person was still asking for an answer and i gave tham it weather its old or not im just answering a question a player asked. Also, where are the other threads i have bumped? Im rarley looking for threads on the forums just making them
  4. Interesting thanks for the answer! :) Do you maybe also know why it was worth less the first months? Is it because it wasn't that interesting, because there were many, or for some other reason?
    Also, because there haven't been (m)any auctions/sellings of the item, do you maybe thinks it's worth even more because of that? (500k is still quite a substantial amount though, I'm already very happy with that :p (no, I'm not selling any :p))

    It doesn't matter. I was interested in this too, and now I didn't have to make a new thread for my questions. In my opinion, it's better when an old thread gets revived again, instead of creating a new one every time.
    FDNY21, ThaKloned and Vortixin like this.
  5. Agreed. If it's on topic, why have 10 threads about the same thing. It's easy to click on the 'Unwatch' button. I bumped the Canada Day thread that finch made. It was almost 11 months old. No one complained and what I posted was liked and others posted as well.
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  6. It was likely worth less because it wasn't as useful/desirable/interesting as the other items. Everyone was too hooked on the Ore Buster and Flaming Mob Launcher to really pay out big for the Turfinator and Everlasting Axestopper :p Because of this, they are definitely very rare, but the problem still remains - the desire for the items still isn't as much as the other items. The item could be worth more than 500k, but until someone sells one, I can't really tell! :p
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  7. I bought a used Everlasting Axestopper a few months ago for 200k. Probably not helpful, but was the only one someone would sell. I was willing to pay big r for unused pieces, too.
    tuqueque and TomvanWijnen like this.
  8. Axestopper may go up in value as axes do more damage now :p
  9. I sold two of them a few months ago for 500-520 k but they can go a bit higher.
    JesusPower2 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  10. Thanks everyone for the responses! :)

    How much is it used? (approximately)