Empire Minecraft is still 1.8 - 1.9.4 is near!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 29, 2016.

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  1. You're on a roll dude.
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  2. Obviously he didn't state a time or else I wouldn't have asked. I'm well aware that Aikar has real world responsibilities which have precedence. It just so happens that I live and work only a few miles down the road from him and was simply trying to get a very rough idea of when the change might occur so I could make a quick trip by my own home if necessary. It's easy for me to work around his schedule. That's all.

    If even a casual estimate is not possible that's fine. Thanks.
    We3_Nub and God_Of_Gods like this.
  3. Based on the timing of other resets and the fact that he works during the day I would estimate 9 pm empire time.
    We3_Nub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  4. No, I.. I just meant that you quoted me, but put in Aikar's name, as though he was the one who said it. I was using his avatar at the time, so I know it's my fault. :p
    We3_Nub, 607 and fBuilderS like this.
  5. I did originally have some text from Aikar included as well. Cut and paste error. My mistake.
    ForeverMaster0 and Uber_Corq like this.
  6. We will update the site header shortly (and in-game) when Krysyy has a chance).
    The update has been delayed to an unknown time.
    Unfortunately, Aikar will be unavailable due to serious family matters that have came up.
  7. I hope Aikar gets things worked out for his update ;)
    tuqueque and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  8. You could have asked Uber to post that .... ;)

    We're patient as ever.

    But :( for "serious family matters" ... hope all goes well.
  9. As much as I want 1.9 now, we all understand that family, above all else, comes first. Hope all goes well aikar.
    We3_Nub, ForeverMaster0 and 607 like this.
  10. Hm... "serious family matters", I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but it doesn't sound very pretty... I hope it'll be okay, whatever's the matter!
    We3_Nub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  11. Good luck aikar sorting out these "serious family matters"
    We3_Nub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  12. I'm very sorry to hear that about Aikar and I certainly hope whatever is happening is not terribly serious. But, I might start looking like a genius though.
    We3_Nub and ForeverMaster0 like this.
  13. Hope all goes well for aikar and his family
  14. I was seriously looking forward to the update, but absolutely... Family FIRST.
    Hope all is well Aikar.
  15. Sorry ya have problems aikar, but now I have more time to play 1.10 so good?
  16. Take your time Aikar, that stuff matters more.
    We3_Nub, ForeverMaster0 and tuqueque like this.
  17. Ok, its time to begin Operation Cobra. I need 2 volunteers to go and kidnap Aikar and hold him hostage until he updates EMC to 1.9. I will begin to craft a letter to his place of employment letting them know that his minecraft server has taken him hostage until further notice (we don't want him getting fired, that would create too many issues).

    Then it is time to start Operation Mongoose, where we kidnap the other dev team members and Kryssy to promote and advance the update. I will also craft letters to their employers so they don't get fired. But Aikar is the main goal, which is why this operation will be second and only attempted if needed.

    But for the dev team member that sees this post first, hide it from the rest of staff and we will not kidnap you and force you into developing 1.9 for EMC. Or any staff member can do this also, if they want to push 1.9 out faster.

    PS If Aikar sees this first, this is a joke.

    Edit: Saw the "serious family matters" post after posting this: We are officially delaying Operation Cobra and Mongoose until further notice, but they are not yet closed. We may yet need to take action.
    WardleDaBoss and Gawadrolt like this.
  18. Hopefully everything is all well. Take all the time you need :)
    Luckily for you, 1.9 will be with us for a long while after it comes out too so even if you go to Band Concert or something else, the update will be there afterwards :p
    We3_Nub, bitemenow15, 607 and 2 others like this.
  19. I want an elytra. It is the race to the end city -.-
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