Help my computer (50k Bounty)

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by TheCrimeLime, May 13, 2016.

  1. I cant really just install a new fan easily on a laptop :p Also, I recently got my mouse and I dont feel like buying another 100 dollar razer gaming mouse :p
  2. I think he means something like this.

    And if you have a Razer mouse, you'll have to buy a new one soon anyways with how easily they break :p

    The mouse doesn't really have anything at all to do with the performance of anything anyways. It's just an input device. I'll drop a mouse recommendation anyways, here.
  3. Damn that mouse looks like a tank, my Amazon basic mouse is more reliable than my "Razer Mamba chroma tournament edition"
  4. That is what i was talking about and im a girl xD
  5. I'm terribly sorry, my deepest apologies go out to you. :p
    Hrghorhg likes this.
  6. I still love how gta runs at higher frame rate then minecraft tho
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  7. Thank you. This is an excellent follow up. Great work getting him going Haro! Looks like you have just about listed them in order of importance?
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  8. I wasn't intentionally listing them by importance but looking at it now, it seems it pretty much incidentally is listed by importance :p