Vault Bug (items disappearing)

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by So_Inferno, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. This just happened to me with black glass; right before a reboot if that's important
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. yea there all gone but please lol you dont have to give me 9,000r. thank you for offering though
  3. oh really? maybe it was the reboot than.. but if it was the reboot< do you think i still should get the items i have bought/ get my money back? or is it my fault for not paying attention to when the reboot takes place? what do you think??
  4. lol na it isnt a family acc and im positive that i placed them in my vault because on my log, is showes that i have payed 10r to open the vault at that time before i lost the items
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. yes i am on the same account. i only have one atm lol
  6. Cough, you can make all one post, no need to make several, hehe.
  7. sorry lol ill make sure to do that next time