All that work for nothing I swear... I guess someone can enjoy themselves with 3 dcs of cobble making that pathway. I am going to stop sticking my snout where it doesn't belong you have fun building that man-made island.
Heh, sorry man. ^^; I'll make sure to point it out in op that it is on smp8's frontier. Thanks, though!
Bump! The first show this theater will produce, either in spring or summer, is Brevi (bray-whee), and is about a boy and his horse - and how they stop a band of griefers! For this show, I'm going to need quite a few people cast-wise, but a lot crew-wise. It's still in pre-writing stages now, but from what I can tell, this show is going to require quite the theater trickery to get working right. If anyone enjoys skinning, those would be wonderfully appreciated as well! Each character will have their own custom skin. I have made several of the character's skins already. If interested, please let me know and I can supply details. Thanks to everyone who's already expressed interest and applied!
We should probably do some marketing to get this rolling... perhaps include it in people's signatures?
Oh yes, that'd be great! And you're both in, ha. I think I said something like that earlier, and just asked you to do the applications just so I'd have all the info in one spreadsheet... Imma go throw it in my signature.
This sounds cool, I might bring my acting skills to there if I get a chance, and also I love theater!