Now I know this is a odd question but simply to put it simply. In PvP do you prefer to use the classic sword, the amazing bow or using some Redstone to wire traps to let your opponents die? So what method do you prefer?
Hitting someone with a fishing rod does some knockback so if they are running towards you and you hit them with the fishing rod, you usually get the first hit meaning you have the starting advantage.
I come in all proud and excited with my new gear until penguin kills me in one hit and I get all sad...
On pvp servers I hide with shift, shoot people off of cliffs, make fall and tnt traps, use lava buckets... pretty much all the dirty strategies. One of my best is making a nether portal that takes you directly into lava on the other side, use a potion of fire resistence and make people chase me through the portal. Never fails . Here at Emc I fight honestly, no gapples or health potions (tried using poison but apparently it doesn't affect people on the arenas ).
Heres how pvp on emc works for me. ie: LuckyPat I attempt to kill LuckyPat, instead he kills me. I attempt another time, but he kills me. I rage, I put a bounty on LuckyPat for 20k. I mention the bounty on all the smps. Everyone came to the PvP arena, swarmed him and killed him.
I Prefer Using Normal armour and customised gear like I have, and Then My tactic is [To be revealed another day].
Rush in, while getting shot by with bows, and ----ing on scrubs. I'm not very good with a bow They also say, "A coward dies everyday"
I like to spam click my weak sword and hope I don't die. If that doesn't work I run until they catch up to me with a bow. Both usually end with death.