Chest Art

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by cadgamer101, May 29, 2015.


Is this fun and interesting "art" ?

Yes 127 vote(s) 81.9%
Not Sure 18 vote(s) 11.6%
No 10 vote(s) 6.5%
  1. Here's mine!
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  2. Um, what
    Dufne likes this.
  3. I think it's raining emeralds.
  4. Interesting and creative chest art.
    I am curious if there is any meaning in the pattern, numbers, etc for these 300 emeralds.
  5. Read them top to bottom, they're the addresses of my shops.
    SirTah, tuqueque, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  6. cadgamer101 likes this.

  7. LOL Dirt! XD

    Rainy Day!

    Enjoying the Day at the Beach!

    Mining Trip with Steve!

    My Personal Favorite! A Mooshroom! XD

    My 1000r Entry BTW.
  8. Cool Idea

    One of my Favorite Chest Art entries, nice.
    607 and CowMan18 like this.
  9. Awe. Thanks. I have a strong love for mooshrooms and I don't entirely know why.
  10. They are great for renewable stew food at bases.
  11. I really like this one!
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  12. Here's one I just did :3

    "Into the jungle"

    cadgamer101, CowMan18 and UltiPig like this.
  13. Response pending.
    Dufne likes this.
  14. ???
  15. My Valentines gift from BlinkyBinky (Please reward her)

    cadgamer101 and 607 like this.
  16. Ooh, that's sweet!
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  17. Symmetry is fun
    Keep it up you beautiful nerds you
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  18. My 1000r Entry // Chest Art Entry //

    Fighting a skeleton at night ( Doesn't really look like night with the light blue sky XD )

    Cutting down a tree at day near a cave ( Yup , the stones were actually caves XD )

    Mining in the Nether , suddenly a Ghast showed itself ! ( No background because I don't know what to fill it in with XD )
    skyrimed, 607 and cadgamer101 like this.