[insert cheesy intro here]

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Alejijijo01, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. Are you Jadziaa?
    Dufne and Jadziaa like this.
  2. You! The one who guessed too many times! >_> No, I am not Jadz. =P
    ImNotChespin! :D

    I accidentally used my main account to reply to you two at first, whoops. :p
    607 and ArkWarrior1 like this.
  3. Bringmeacloud ?

  4. No and no. :p

    I forgot to mention. I put a list of people I am not in the OP. Happy guessing. :p
  5. I give up .-.
    Alejijijo01 and Rhythmicaly like this.
  6. Does your main account's smp has an active or has recently(less than a week) hosted an event or has some special(active) res?
  7. Are you trying to figure out what smp my main account lives on? As stated in the OP, I live on smp8. :)
  8. Could you share if you are a she or he?
  9. No. ;) Kidding. Check OP.
  10. Are you khixan or Qkazoochan or kaptrix?
  11. Hey now, that's already going over your 2 guess limit. :p No, I am none of those people.
  12. Well then I don't know you or do I, You said we talk once in a while but who are you...
  13. That's all part of the game. ;)
  14. Oh my, Haven't felt so anxious to find the answer in a while of these guessing games.
    Alejijijo01 likes this.
  15. I'm afraid you can't guess anymore though. I put that 2 guess limit in place for a reason, Tah. :p
    Tahitan likes this.
  16. Your kindness reminds me of someone but I will not guess anymore :p
    607 and Alejijijo01 like this.
  17. Uh, brooke?
    Dufne likes this.
  18. How about Rhythmicaly?
    ChickenDice likes this.
  19. ?
  20. Nope.