The monthly olympic games!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by _REMOVED_87055, Sep 28, 2015.


Will you be able attend one of these?

Yes 14 vote(s) 58.3%
I will be asleep :P 2 vote(s) 8.3%
At work :( 3 vote(s) 12.5%
Other 5 vote(s) 20.8%
  1. Added overview. Hope to see a bigger turnout in participants and olympic staff next time :D
  2. Starting in 4 minutes
  3. So it started at 2:16? Darn
  4. See overview, its nice to know someone appreciates my work :)
  5. Why does this always happen when im at school? :mad:
  6. Didn't you comment that it'd start at 3 PM EMC time? You should put it into your OP what time it officially begins at. A bit confusing with you giving like, two times to work with, lol.
  7. Where does it say 3pm?
  8. Perhaps there's some misunderstanding here, but you should probably also add in an official time to your OP
  9. That was for the 9th November ;) It changes every month
  10. Maybe just have a set time for every month listen in the OP? It'd be easier to keep people coming back. I'd bet nobody came to your last one because a lot of kids were still in school when it began.
    nuclearbobomb likes this.