The monthly olympic games!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by _REMOVED_87055, Sep 28, 2015.


Will you be able attend one of these?

Yes 14 vote(s) 58.3%
I will be asleep :P 2 vote(s) 8.3%
At work :( 3 vote(s) 12.5%
Other 5 vote(s) 20.8%
  1. Sorted prizes out
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  2. BringUpMyPost
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  3. BUMP. Weeh and Eviltoade should be coming to adjudicate
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  4. BUMP! All events approved by iamcavie and NickkG
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  5. BUMP! All set for the 9th!
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  6. BUMP! Fixed some things in OP
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  7. BUMP! 1 more day
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  8. :) Looking forward. Though I might fall asleep as I'm judging XD
    Small text:(I won't)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  9. You guys, it would be awesome if you could come to watch or compete. Alot of rupees and time were put into this project, just for people to be entertained. I hope you enjoy.

    EDIT: Oh wait, I'll be judging... so see you guys there :)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  10. Couldn't say it any better
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  11. Sorting out minor arena bugs, don't worry we won't be delayed.
    And just a reminder, we will start at 3pm EMC time and will start at the top of the events list and work our way down :)
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  12. Aaand it happens while im at school :mad:
    fBuilderS likes this.
  13. About to move on to the 2nd event
    ItsMeChespin and BlinkyBinky like this.
  14. You guys
    After Builder Left, here were the results.
    • Boating: Hannah EB
    • Rapids: Todd_Vinton
    • Archery: Todd_Vinton
    And, we had a special guest show up for the last round: Rosy26896!
    Thank you to everyone that part-took in this event. fBuilderS will shortly announce the winner. I, on behalf of the staff team, thank everyone who showed up, to watch or participate. Hope you can come next time!
    Next date: December 9th, 2015.
    fBuilderS likes this.
  15. The overall winner is:
  16. Congrats to TODD_VINTON, owner of MegaMall 2000 on Smp1 for winning this month's olympics.
    fBuilderS likes this.
  17. Ok, finally have some pics.

    Sorry I didn't take very many.

    OrangeDuck607 and fBuilderS like this.
  18. Need to write up a overview soon of the last olympics, next one on the 9th at 2pm EMC time :D