Discussion in 'Trading' started by FDNY21, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. No longer looking to buy the Lucky Bow :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  2. FDNY! What would you trade for a 2015 Feast For A King? Not giving it up easily, ps
  3. That, or a 2015 Headless Horseman Mask.
  4. Is the 2015 version any different to the 2014? I didn't think it was, so I probably don't need another one as I already have quite a few but thanks anyway!
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  5. It is different in code, I think, but not in appearance, though it is paper. Was the last one a map, or paper?
  6. They should all be paper and they should all say exactly the same thing, so they shouldn't be different in code..
    NetherSpecter and Tahitan like this.
  7. Wait, the one you have is paper? What colour is the lore and text?
  8. Blue title, orange/yellow lore :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  9. Yup. Exactly. The. Same. Dang

    EDIT:Willing to take, say... A damaged ESCD? I'm not using it, (ever,) and it still looks fine. What do ya say?
    fBuilderS likes this.
  10. I thought so :p I'm good, thank you though Sage!
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  11. K I'll stop pestering u now :p
    fBuilderS likes this.
  12. Hey, is there any way you can get out word that I am loaning off promos? The three promos I'm loaning off are the ESCD, 2015 Headless Horseman Mask, 2015 Feast For A King.
  13. This thread is for my buying, selling and trading of promos. Please do not post this here, I am not looking to loan other people's items :) Feel free to ask others but this isn't the place to do it. Thanks!
    NetherSpecter likes this.