I have a feeling I will screw up more stuff taking it apart and putting it into separate rice bags then just turning it on.. Every time I even open the case of my PC the fans start acting up... I am not the best with hardware. Hopefully I will luck out and it didn't fry anything or when k turn it on it won't still be wet. If not, hopefully it is just like a $300 repair. (Which is what I pay for a virus removal at the place I go to, so it is not very likely it will be $300) If my PC is fried and will cost more than $600 to repair, I'll probably make some sort of $1000 or so PC build and do it myself.
How exactly would you put a GPU in rice? What if it got in the fan(s), or did damage to some of the Vram if you took the cooler off? The power supply especially.
There is no visible water in it. There was over-splash from the spill that hit it. There was water that may have went in some of the fans vents and the USB ports.
Your USB port is most likely fried. You might be fine on the water the might have went in to the case if it just fell to the bottom. I would leave it for a few days though. Just to be safe.
It has been 20 hours and I turned it back on. It seems to be working fine (I am typing this on it). I'll try not to plug anything into my USB port for now. Time will tell what happens, though. But just for good measure I'll rub some bacon on it. (Hopefully somebody will get this...)
911, what's your problem? I spilled water on my PC accidently Rub some bacon on it Bacon? Bacon, that's right I got bacon left over from dinner last night Rub some bacon on it *Water disappears from PC* Hopefully someone will get this too
I would take out the battery and let it sit for at least a couple days until I know it has completely dried before trying to turn it on.
Late reaction, I know... First, most of all: TTL (digital circuits) vs. mains. Although you can short circuit an USB port this most often happens if you connect devices to it which drain too much power. It's one of the reasons why I always connect an external HD with a "duo plug" (connect it to two USB ports). Simply to catch the peak when it turns on. After that you can easily continue working with one connection. So if you let it dry for a long enough time then there's a good chance that also your USB ports will continue to work as normal. I'm not offering any service here, just a little context.. Have to agree with xHaro here: When I'm doing stuff 'on site' (at a customers place) I usually charge around E 70,- to E 80,- per hour. And if you know what you're doing (and you come prepared) then cleaning an infected PC really shouldn't take much longer than an hour. There are exceptions of course but still: $150,- seems quite high on the price to me as well. Especially if you're not running a business yourself. Anyway, here's hoping for the best!