Penguin's UHC | Sunday, 4 PM EST

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by PenguinDJ, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. I thought it was just me
  2. Sorry everyone, had to limit the number of players to reduce lag. :/
  3. it says it closed?
  4. same
  5. What do you mean by limit? So I cannot play? So I skipped my plans on hoping to play UHC Today for no reason?
  6. Team Aqua has wood in the lag apocalypse.
    PenguinDJ and ItsMeWolffpack like this.
  7. I see you're hosting this off your own network. You may want some sort of a mask (they're free) so you can make it something like That way you're not handing out your own IP.

    Also totally possible that 1mbps uplink might possibly just be completely not enough :p
  8. Yeah, sorry, had to close... just not going to work. For a first UHC this wasn't that bad... right? lol

    I suppose 8 players was the "limit" before everything went to hell. Note to self: find new method of hosting.
    Codygraw likes this.
  9. It appears the server crashed :p Well I am awful late to this comment.
  10. Team Aqua has won with the most amount of kills, good game everyone.

    Total Kills: 1
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  11. Hey, hey, I do have better speeds than that... :p
  12. Do you know if you have enough bandwidth to host a server?
  13. He's got 1 Mbps uplink and a not-ballin PC :/
    PMSubhan likes this.
  14. At this moment, I can safely say "no" with confidence.
    If we count disconnecting as dying (as technically players are out of the game) then lag had the most kills. How many? Nine? Ten? :p

    But if you want a 100k item I'll give you one. ;)

    Ah well, at least we learned something: I cannot host a server. :p
  15. UHC ain't happening any time soon :(
  16. Tip: test your server limits with alts/friends
  17. i can run a server off my mac if i can figure outlaw to port forward :mad: