Guess who's back?!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Deathtomb8953, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Is Darth Darth Binks your sith master..? :p ...Or does he go by Supreme Leader Snokes now..? xD
    Comesa to dah Dark Side, mooey mooey?
    Keliris likes this.
  2. Welcome back :)
    Deathtomb8953 likes this.
  3. Welcome back to EMC lets see those build skills arise on SMP9 once more :D
  4. It's great to have you back! I remember some awesome times on smp9 :)
  5. Better then ever.
    Many more to come, just gotta rebuild my supply lines
    TechNinja_42 likes this.
  6. What you need?
  7. Little late but...

    UltiPig likes this.