My Custom Resource Pack

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Carr_x, Oct 25, 2015.


Publicize Or Private?

Publicize It! "Its more beautiful that my girlfriend!" 58 vote(s) 92.1%
Keep it to yourself... "Even default is better" 5 vote(s) 7.9%
  1. What ? XD
  2. This texture pack is amazing
    FluffeMarshmallo likes this.
  3. Aha thankyou!
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  4. I'd use it, I just have one question....

    How badly will this lag me? :p
  5. I love how you see the earth like we are living on an alien planet looking down on earth.
  6. WOW!!! This looks awesome! I want a download to this texture pack! <3
    wiiboy222 likes this.

    Lordess_Spartan, Xatez and ThaKloned like this.
  8. The only thing that bugs me is how the Earth is in front of the clouds.
    Overall, really cool and the rest of the sky looks awesome.
  9. 20 votes... I'm pretty sure we are all in agreement here.
    wiiboy222 likes this.
  10. What are your computer specifications?
  11. It looks great. Would love to use this :)
    wiiboy222 likes this.
  12. I think it is implying that we are playing on a world that is not Earth, perhaps one of it's moons.
  13. We are on minecraftia
  14. But it looks identical to faithful but with a little distortion added :p
    (except for the sky and HUD)
  15. Its not available yet
  16. Its a much higher resoloution
  17. So you did use their textures?
  18. I didnt use any of faithul.
  19. I assume that you used R3D pack for some of your blocks?