[SUGGESTION] Auto-Miniboss Drops

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by DiabolusEx, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. how about if we just have them deliver them directly to our vault
    NetherWorld666 likes this.
  2. And have people complain about losing 10r to open a vault?

    -1 on this though. Just have it drop like normal items.
    NetherWorld666 likes this.
  3. i was trying to be sarcastic. i actually agree that we shouldn't change this. this suggestion wouldn't even be needed if players would just be nice and not steal other people's accomplishments.
    NetherWorld666 and SkyDragonv8 like this.
  4. I actually said that in a joking matter too. :p
    NetherWorld666 likes this.
  5. this was actually already planned.

    auto distributing loot among group members, but im not sure about the by damage part, as items dont really have a 'score' to judge weight on :/

    I think simply distributing them randomly to people in group, and randomly between any super recent attackers on death for non grouped kills, will help.

    then players can agree to swap/pool and sell items as they please as they currently 'mostly' do.

    But at least with an auto distribution system, its better to have the items in more than 1 persons hand, as thatll make sure people come to a better agreement on what to do with the loot rather than 1 person getting it and running off with it (which, as bad as it sounds, it's kind of hard to say its against any rules...)

    So this def will happen. Maybe socks will take this on.
    NetherWorld666 likes this.
  6. Maybe they'll listen to you since I already said that =P
  7. haha, I saw the thread earlier but didnt get a chance to respond, and didnt see you responded until after I did :p
  8. I know it's possible to rank players by how much damage that they did to the miniboss since the token values recieved seem to correlate directly to the amount of damage done. Could we not "rank" drops by rarity? It isn't a perfect system, but we can say for sure that Toothpicks are a rarer drop than shiny flesh.
  9. *inserts tons of messages saying we already have this planned*
  10. Hey, I'm content now that we've got confirmation :p
    At this point, we're almost more talking about the details of the idea.