EMC Radio

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mystul, Apr 27, 2012.

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  1. two things. 1. I have never heard of dub step. 2. This conversation is killing my post to like ratio, but I dont care:p.
    margaritte and ISMOOCH like this.
  2. also a great song

    a lot of nostalgia with that song xD
  3. thank you sir! :)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  4. This is a pretty accurate description of what it's like listening to EMC Radio:

  5. Lol It's a new thing. I didn't hear about it until recently myself.
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  6. this song... yes
    its not that new :p.. just mainstream (skirllex) is newer.. but hardcore nasty dub has been around for a hot minute.
  7. Mortal Combat!!!!!
  8. oh you poor Kid
    nab27, ISMOOCH and PandasEatRamen like this.
  9. I was without internet and all that for a year+ so it's new to me :p
  10. subtle comedy
  11. I thought this was techno...:confused:
  12. i can play skrillex on the piano
  13. ISMOOCH likes this.
  14. PandasEatRamen likes this.
  15. well thanks :p .. but this is all mystul xD
    vividOptimism and Monster_ like this.
  16. it's best the send me a wav or whatever... i run it from my machine
  17. we sent Mystul transitions, and he uses them ^^
  18. are you telling me to send you songs o.o, confused kid is confused
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