EMC Radio

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Mystul, Apr 27, 2012.

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  1. :) and then played Alcohol by Barenaked Ladies :) - If you listen long enough - you'll pick up my subtle humor - and sometimes in your face humor :)

    FYI - Streaming Non-Stop Classical (with Operas - sry - they are good) until i stop them... :)

    I have 3 DAYS worth 24x7 - so :) lets call this the calm before the storm
    prob through tonight... this classical group is my largest 'collection' - 60 cds - im finding the tags are wrong - and it needs to be fixed... so ill stream them - while fixing the tags... will take a while since i need to find the information (about 1500 of my CDs were lost during Hurricane Katrina when I was stationed at Biloxi - I refuse to 'buy' them again - just glad I ripped them ALL - long ago - although with little tagging - the wonders of having a computer lab (I was an instructor) to my disposal - 20 computers ripping at once :)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  2. OK - It lasted about 5 hrs before the tears got the best of me.

    Perhaps 3 hours of classical should be the limit :)
  3. wave 103... did we just merge with some other station? :p

    Awesome song btw
  4. i have to say 3 hours of classical is a lot.. spread it out please.. like hourly genres. My local radio station does 70s at 7 80s @ 8 and so on we could have early morning rock late night techo/party early afternoon classical and in the late morn do the 60s/70s/80s/90s according to time
  5. agree
  6. please give me a shout out
  7. Please tell me what you like to hear :)
  8. Ill pm it to you
  9. How do I listen the the Radio?
  10. Look at the first post... has good directions provided by iSmooch
  11. Omg, the song that just came on... <3
  12. When is the radio going to go 24/7?
    It would be awesome if we just had a playlist that went on for 9-10 hours. :)
  13. Which?
    When I'm ready :) Tommorow - next month (oh wait :)
  14. A lot of them.

    Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night

    Now this one, John Waite - Missing You.

    ... Got a very nice taste in music going on here. :3
  15. :D:D:D:D
  16. erm.... not sure what you are offering... i'm not looking for 'songs' to take :)

    like EMC - I'm a bit more legit with what I play and report :)

    what I'd like is any personal stuff - be it music, voice over, funny story, comedy routine - anything that you can put your name on as owner - and more importally - give me permissions to :)

    In other news.... I've decided to rethink my station (base station computer) and am going to take a desktop i have and setup with server software and website - so i can run in comptely from the home... bottom line - more work - bottom bottom line - wont be 24/7 for a day or so... good news is my laptop wont blo up from trying to run a radio station and play MC or Skyrim or WoW or OMFG DIABLO3 - fyi if radio isnt 24.7 before the 15th - it might not happen :) but I prefer to have it up tonight tommoro being the 1st... kinda has a good feel to it.
  17. you know you have dedicated listeners when: They download Winamp for Android just to listen to your station :D Now i can listen on the go! btw thats another way to listen to shoutcast radio is using winamp for comp/ ipod/ android :p
    vividOptimism likes this.
  18. excellent thx.... i wont let you guys down... just know we are in infacy - and better you get to help mold me into the DJ you want
  19. i just think you need to focus on that server thing atm before you do fry your computer :p.

    REMEMBER: Its allll on Google ;) its where all the techies go :D
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