I actually made that using software called 'hexels'. I was using triangles to make the picture.. I liked how simple it was.
I chose you #18! Who is your favorite person named 8comimi on the Empire? Exclusively limited to the people named 8comimi. (Congratulations on 1000 days )
Plain iron shovels will be provided/enforced, as to prevent god/promo shovels versus plain wood ones. Hope to see you there! Catacaclysm, your number is already taken. I have assigned you another random (free) number so you're still in the drawing. 8comimi. Hm. Let's think. Who do we know whose name is 8comimi.. Hmm, can't think of any! Sorry!
Don't worry, guys. Maybe we can have a mini-after party for all the people who coulden't come because of school and such!