Why does it keep saying this

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Matthew94544, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. AHH my creations!!!
  2. Club Penguin -_- linked =P
    Galantisizer likes this.
  3. hmm vibrate on my phone buzzes till you blow up XD
  4. No need to quintuple-post :p
    Matthew94544 likes this.
  5. but i did > : )
  6. But you shouldn't ;)
    ThaKloned likes this.
  7. But you shouldnt
  8. ehe i still did > : )
  9. That is the status of Mojang's servers. And even if there was something checking EMC's server status, it'd still appear as up.
  10. fell your picture right above your user freaked me out XD
  11. Post on my wall if you're freaked out or something :p. Better place than a thread.
    Matthew94544 and NathanRP like this.
  12. im just saying that could give some little kids nightmares lol
  13. Stop spamming the thread :cringe: he's already explained what to do :/
    nfell2009 and Matthew94544 like this.
  14. lol harsh and funny XD
  15. Grr is akin again my game made me lag out of emc now it cannot connect
  16. Restarting things.

    TIL temporary drive filling up will overload the database server and cause mayhem.
    Matthew94544 and CadenMann like this.
  17. i can only come on once a month and this happens:(
  18. This is some comforting stuff at its finest.
  19. Aha makes sense if i knew about that stuff ...