I got mine it goes in this order: Period 1: Spanish 2 Period 2 A Day: Chorus Period 2 B Day: Orchestra Period 3: Algebra 1 Period 4: Global Studies Period 5 A Day: Living Enviroment R Period 6 A Day: Living Enviroment R Period 6 B Day: Gym Period 7: Lunch Period 8: English My school has alternating A and B days. What's your schedual? o:
Haven't got my new one yet (3 weeks before going back to school), but I have 2 alternating weeks, but they're pretty much the same How long is a period for you?
For me every class is one hour and thirty minutes, with A and B days. A day: 1st: Spanish 2nd: Physics 3rd: Literature 4th: Chem B day: 1st: Product Team(blow off class) 2nd: American History 3rd: Math 3 4th: Visual Art 2
Mine looks something like this: US Gov./Econ English Physics Computer Science Financial Algebra AP Cal AB Mon. and Weds. is 1,3,5 Tues. and Thur. is 2,4,6
My school switches between A-Days, B-Days, and Fast Friday schedules. A-Day: 1. Enviornmental Science (Science is optional in my current grade, but enviornmental science has something to do with architecture, so I took it.) 3. Computer Applications (I didn't know what other class to choose, so I chose this class.) 3. Government and Politics 5. Algebra II 7. English IV B-Day: 2. Architecture I 4. Seminar 6. Symphonic Orchestra IV 8. Economics *3rd period was listed twice because those are semester-long classes.
Yes, I am from New York too and the regents are very fun to take! Regents are New York standardized tests for outsiders
Mondays: Intro to Greek/Roman Mythology Lecture Discrete Structures Lecture Intro to Calc based Probability and Statistics Lecture Tuesdays: Discrete Structures Lab Intro to Calc based Probability and Statistics Lab Machine Architecture and Organization Lecture Wednesdays: Discrete Structures Lecture Intro to Calc based Probability and Statistics Lecture Thursdays: Intro to Greek/Roman Mythology Discussion Machine Architecture and Organization Lab Fridays: Intro to Greek/Roman Mythology Lecture Discrete Structures Lecture Intro to Calc based Probability and Statistics Lecture
I don't get mine till the first day, but I have the same a, and b thing. My classes are 90mi s long tho
0: Piano 1:AP World History 2:English 3:Spanish 4:Biology or Physics or Economics (depends on the day) 5: Lunch 6: PreCalculus 7: Chemistry or Biology Thats my schedule. A very busy day..