Empire Tips and Tricks will take a look behind the basic bounds of the Wiki and give you, from EMC newbies to veterans, a weekly info insight with three things you probably didn’t know about.
This week we’re looking into Residences! From the 60×60 Town kind to the out-in-the sticks-Empire kind, from res commands to res info, we’re teach you all you need to know to show off those fancy new skills with your friends.
- Have you ever stood on the edge of a residence, moping around and questioning the purpose of your life as you jump to conclusions as to who owns it and why you’re not allowed there? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there, but I have a solution. You can grab the nearest piece of string and hit the residence and /res info will be displayed!
- Building something giant and run out of room? No more uh-oh, because you can extend it out four blocks further into the street after a level of 128. You can also enlist special Senior Staff Services to connect it further!
- Is your residence really old (over 2 years)? There’s a good chance that if it had been /res reset previously – before it was fixed – it has no bedrock at the bottom! Check for yourself.
Wow! Never knew the string trick before, and I was always wondering how people could build stuff over the extent of their res ^_^
Wow! Actually did not know any of these three! Good job, I was expecting it to be more of what we already know 🙂
That’s what the blog’s for, new stuff 😀
Never knew the string trick. Would have been helpful before I spent a half hour trying to forceclaim a residence with a wall around it. >.>