[Unofficial Debate] Wild Reset

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jonions, Jun 20, 2012.


To reset or not to reset? Remember to READ.

Yes, I want the reset. 36 vote(s) 30.8%
No, I don't want the reset. 81 vote(s) 69.2%
  1. those who don't share what lifestyle? you said earlier that it needs to be cleaned up because of first impressions. later on we got into the discussion of resources.
    FACT of the matter is that being that close to spawn has the least amount of resources compared to chunk errors
    when you go out past like 600 blocks it's resource galore. the rest of the reset would just be time wasted and pointless.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. Wild reset had nothing to do with updating to 1.3, I only hope that there arent too many people like yourself that think that no wild reset means no MC update, because that it totally NOT the case. All of the OTHER things that are included in the update (the shift click support in brewing stands, books being made with leather, being able to write in books, etc etc) those have NOTHING to do with the reseting the wild. EMC will be recieving that update no matter what, what we are discussing is taking the wild in each smp and erasing it to start with a fresh world seed... which basically would be like creating a new world in single player, you lose everything currently in the wild.

    Also, no one has suggested "reseting the black area", I think you are a little confused about what we are trying to explain. In the livemap, there are black areas and mapped areas, the mapped areas have been generated because a player has entered that area and the server generated those chunk because of the players proximity. Those areas that have already been generated will not change after we update to 1.3 because they already exist. The BLACK areas however have NOT been generated yet, so after the 1.3 update if you walk into a black area on the map, the new ores and new structures that are included in the update have a chance to be generated. So, basically after we update to 1.3, all of the mapped areas will be 1.2 and all the black areas will be 1.3. Dont really know if that makes sense, but I dont really know how to make it simpler to understand.:confused:
  3. That would be great.

    Make we can take that idea even further:
    Something like a more or less random teleport thingy. Go in it and get somewhere 20k (or whatever) blocks away. Would not be totally random (there would be a big square of areas you could end up) but at that distance random enough to make the miners happy. Yet it would be predictable (a line on the map) so people can know if someone might spawn in their wild base or not.
  4. So I heard Jeb talking about adding a new form of grass entities in every update for here on out and also variants to the ores and the only way to find these is to reset your server every time a new update happens as they wont spawn like anything normally does outside of rendered areas do. So as such based on this it looks like people want to reset with every little update, why don't we start with the wild reset every week or so as that is when the new updates come out anyways.. :3
    If you can read this line I am trolling.. :3 ..and the troll line starts here.
  5. 1 person who votes no for a reset will probably spend 25x as much time in the wild as a person who votes yes.
    Monster_ likes this.
  6. like ICCsaid, everyone has their right to vote the way they want and have their own reasons for voting. He was talking about why he voted the way he did, he said nothing about others not mattering.
    zulu9 and Monster_ like this.
  7. Mojang would never EVER do that, that would defeat the purpose of updating. Updating isn't for content only, it's for bug fixes as well so people can enjoy the game as they play it
  8. the troll line
  9. Just because you are in the wild more - does not give you more rights to it.

    So this statement has no basis in this "debate"
  10. yes it does, we use it more than anyone else does - some people don't even choose to visit the wild! i think we should and do have more power when it comes to this because we're the ones who put in the work to live, commute, and be safe - and towns people (people who stay in town) shouldn't decide what the wild peoples best interest is, that's just complete bigotry.
  11. Yes it does. Someone who puts more time into something generally cres. These people who vote to "clean up the wilderness" wont care as much as someone in a wild community. Thus they will abandon their want of a clean wilderness once they see someone restarting the "nuke zone." This effects us wild users a lot more than the town users.
    Monster_ likes this.
  12. I think he is just stating an idea, and I think it's relevant because the wild reset is going to affect some people (people who spend a lot of time in the wild) much more than others (people who are rarely in the wild).
    You can't honestly say you dont think that the wild getting reset isnt going to affect some more than others, and how is that not a valid point?
    Monster_ and autumnrain26 like this.
  13. Also, there are people who will vote yes just for the free vault access. And those people are just pure jerks.
    zulu9 and Monster_ like this.
  14. If they make it iwn by that, i will literately kill them irl! :mad:
    Monster_ likes this.
  15. more power? uhm, i dont think so pal. we all have an equal say in this discussion, no one has more rights than others. The wild doesnt belong to "wild people" and not belong to "town people", it belongs to all of us.
    You might be on my side of this discussion (no voters) but some of your points/arguments are a little far fetched and dont really help our case.
  16. Reading through the many comments MUST make at least some town dwellers realize that a wild reset is not the best thing for everyone
    there are still MANY unexplored places in EMC if we would only spend the time to go out and travel more than 20-30 minutes
    the new stuff WILL spawn in the black areas on the live map
    Guys there are entire maps worth of unexplored areas in smp7 alone!!!
    And it isnt like we wouldnt be getting the stuff from the update
    We can still trade with villagers, we can still write books, we can still make tripwires, we can still make enderchests, we can still obtain emeralds from unexsplored areas AND through villagers
    And if we reset we are getting nothing extra,save a lot of pain cause to a LOT of wild dwellers and easy ores
    I cant even say easy ores would be given because there are tons of ore not 10 minutes from spawn, A reset will only make a lot more unhappy people than it would happy ones.
    zulu9 likes this.
  17. and wow, within the first few pages you are back to insulting people again... can you not help yourself or what?
    melodytune likes this.
  18. I am still for a full public vote. Democracy can is hard work.
    I think the people in favor of not resetting (unless technically needed) have the better arguments. So let's present those and get the people to the vote (this one but more importantly if there is an official one of course).
  19. what i'm saying is why should someone who hasn't even experienced the wild get to decide the fate of all of our work. it's very bigoted and it's not far fetched at all! people do this all the time.
  20. I say YES :) the wild needs a reset! 1st: new stuff such as temples, ores, biomes! 2nd: wild is griefed and un-attractive! 3rd: there will be more stuff to mine and atm every cave system i go through has been explored -_-! 4th: those who have stuff in the wild should think about the wild reset and go get there stuff! so please reset :D