New Supporter Perk - Set Respawn Anytime

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. Bigger than the Sun :D
  2. YAAAAAAAAAAY! The stegosaurus is happy!
    oidgod likes this.
  3. I'm getting supporter someday now! Thanks Justin!!
  4. Don't leave us Justin :(
    AlexHallon and Nole972 like this.
  5. Never!
  6. wait so now the wild EVERYWHERE is always day and NO damage?!?! That sucks! C'mon people lets play some REAL minecraft, not this cushy stuff!
  7. No. Please re-read the original post. This isn't what the post is. :)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  8. Its an idea, A server the same as all the other's except mobs spawn in town, and out side the town area you can walk to the wild..
    SephirothWS likes this.
  9. I'd like to ask about a perk that allows all diamond supporters the ability of flight while on utopia town.
  10. This couldn't have come at a better time! However, I have another idea...I vote that supporters DON'T get damaged by lava.

    I just lost 7 diamonds, and a whole wack of store stock just because I tried swimming in lava...Munchie and lava do NOT go well at all.
  11. Awesome!
  12. :( I'm gold... The stegosaurus won't be happy if this comes to be.
  13. Except for the 9th through whatever time ;)
  14. I agree. This is really irritating
    AlexChance likes this.
  15. thank you emc!
  16. while this is a great perk and all, i think u should take a little more time to improve the lives of the free players, also i realize this isn't exactly the place to ask this but... could u do something about the lack of mods on the server, it gets aggravating when there is no one to ban an annoying person, thanks
  17. This is awesome :D
    Sleep all day, up all night.:p
  18. how do you tell the difference between hackers and supporters who are legit?
    i would vote no. too lenient, and could lead to confusion with new players thinking flying is OK.
  19. Legit idea would really help for mining too.