Mobs back in Town, protect your things! - April Fools 2012

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 31, 2012.

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  1. its an april fools and they cant hurt you or theycant blow up or move blocks its a load of bull i was chasing a ender dragon for 3 nights and we fired at it with our bows and arows and nothin happened, there was like 30 of us on smp3 doin it! they disapere if you touch them but to be sure get as many people in a uder ground bnker at ur res and light it up and seal the entrnces and exits so ur safe
  2. Exactly what Makrom1 said:D
  3. so far ive seen ghast, enderdragon, enderman, spider, cave spider, creeper and slime
  4. i set a creeper and 3 zombie on fire...
    battmeghs likes this.
  5. So far I've seen a.... snowman... he spawned automatically at my friends res and then he disappeard after a while...
  6. Yeah, it's actualy a plugin that I've heard of that changes the admins and mods into any mob or player. :3
    battmeghs likes this.
  7. Its April Fools.The mobs are disguised as the staff thanks to a bukkit mod.:)
  8. Is this a april fool?

    Solution:Change difficulty to peaceful,or force users to install a mod
  9. in terms of C, it could have been like the sound update before full release, no update was needed because everyone already had it, it just "unlocked" when you logged into mc that day
  10. yay!!!!! Monsters in town!!! :D ^_^ I am so happy for this update!!!
  11. Awwww yessss. Now I can have some fun with this lol. I like to fight mobs anyway plus I can make a xp farm so I'm not that worried.. :p
    Moving_Target32 likes this.
  12. Who in their right mind would ever object to this? It'd be awesome if mobs were allowed in town. you can't take damage anyway. You'd be able to collect drops around your res. Make ungriefable dark-spawners. The main thing that ever made town awesome was ungriefable...ness. Not the absence of mobs.

    Put mobs in town. Swarm town with mobs. Or at least allow us to turn off/on mobs on our res at our own accord! make them able to do damage, but keep fall damage off. See the possibilities? Non-diamond supporters could just lure creepers around to dynamite their basements out :)

    No more mob discrimination. No more mob segregation. I'm a Mob Rights Advocate.
  13. NO! This is redicuLOUSSSSSSS this better be an april fools joke but on the other hand, XP GRINDERS!?
  14. Too bad that it's april fools and that the mobs are to smart to be mobs. You don't just hit an enderman and it looks at you, and then teleports away.
  15. You guys are wusses enjoy it while it lasts :p
  16. Lol justinguy your telling me that you can program an entire plugin to have a shop system and rts for example, but you can't stop mobs from spawning in town? :p
    JustinGuy likes this.
  17. hide your kids. hide your great joke
    Bu11dawg likes this.
  18. NO!! Im gonna die!
  19. Edit: Ahem I just read the REAL tweet...
  20. GameKribJEREMY likes this.
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