Happy Thanksgiving! Misc Updates - 11/24/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. yusss, i have proof: found a feast chest just next 2 outpost!
  2. Happy Thanksgiving! I want that map! :D
  3. I must be getting horrible luck just spent 3 hours running around the waste lands, only thing I found was a turkey as soon as i went there.
  4. some people can be desperate :p
    AyanamiKun and battmeghs like this.
  5. Trying to do '/vote fixitem' on a 100 Day Vote Certificate tells you that it appears to be ok;
    So it says, "Thank You to MasterDude13 from Empire Minecraft", my new name is MagisterDelirus, but these aren't updating.
  6. I have killed my first turkey!!!
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  7. Also, a side note. When using '/p' on a player and it shows you their "previous" name it shows their first name on EMC, it doesn't convert it to the 2nd name if you're on a 3rd, and etc. *This is has been an issue for a while

    It never really bothered me until now, cause I believe how EMC stores names is causing issues with '/vote fixitem'. I know someone who has changed their name multiple times and they can't change the name of a more recently achieved Voter's Item because it has name2, and not name1, to change it to namecurrent
  8. But Tahi, it's a turkey! :p
    Tahitan likes this.
  9. The magic of the Edit button :p
  10. Nice update Aikar! :D I'm so happy!!
  11. *sees that Super Turkeys are back*
    *starts roaming around the house while squeaking*

    Finally, another week or so of dead fingers! :)

    Also, a quick question. Do they spawn in the nether too?
    Dufne and Satchiko like this.
  12. People get Slicers on there first Turkey...
    Ive killed thee so far and still not a slicer :(
    Only those stupid Cooked Turkey!
  13. too mme 10 mins of flat out clicking with a iron voters sword to kill one on difficulty 7.. lol
  14. Hash let me know of that earlier today. It's the one item that has a different format so the code that is written for it won't work at this time. Working on figuring out if we will be doing manual fixes for these.
  15. This will likely need to be handled manually. The code is the way it is in order to prevent players from being able to rename Voters items they buy from someone else into their own name.
  16. When you get the "Gobble Gobble" message, how far away can they be from you?
    Dufne, PenguinDJ and UltiPig like this.
  17. Great!! Happy Thanksgiving Guys! From the UK
    ShelLuser likes this.
  18. Per last year's thread, it would be:
    ShelLuser and UltiPig like this.