[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. Btw Kai, weeh666 also want you to contact him if you get to online
  2. :confused: y would someone do this? :( just makes me feel sad that someone is ruining someone else's creations :( staff better find out who it is. :(
  3. they have found the culprit and the case is closed no further info is required unless there is another griefing
  4. Good. Hope this never happens again
  5. It is hard to understand sometimes. But at other times it is something totally surprising like hijacking of accounts and such. With the help of the moderators we worked out what happened in the last few days and we came to a conclusive decision. In the meantime the damage was almost instantly repaired by the People of Carthaga, which is necessary to ensure integrity of the outpost. Thumbs up PoC, well done!

    Edit: few minutes later...
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  6. Well the piston has vanished and like its almost like a creeper explosion happened but a tad less
  7. Here's my application:
  8. Hey Floh_Zirkus, thanks for your application. Please check your inbox, I invited you to a PM. I know your res on smp4 and it is excellent. Especially the airship I like :)
  9. Can we hav e an update in the members and ranks or at least post a new one because many people have joined over the months and we need to know whos in and who's not
  10. 1. IGN: nfell2009
    2. Timezone: GMT/UK
    3. How long have you been playing Minecraft: 3+ years
    4. What smp is your home server: SMP4
    5. Have you ever been kicked or banned and what was the reason: Yes, multiple reasons. If you want to discuss this PM me
    6. Do you plan to build/have a mega mall/another big project: Nope
    7. What is your favorite Minecraft activity: Redstone
    8. Why do you want to join PoC: I like the look of Carthaga and it looks like a really nice town. The idea behind me intrigues me and I'd like to learn more.

    If you have more questions please feel free to PM me :)
  11. Check the second post
  12. As Scorpio said, here you can find all the listed members.

    Here is a list of people that recently joined and have access to Carthaga, but are not listed in the member section yet:

    Edit: I will update the list probably sometime around next week :)
  13. Welcome All New Members Of Carthaga! :D :) :D
    Airgasious likes this.
  14. thx :)
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  15. Welcome! :D
  16. Loving all the new houses near me guys ^_^
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.

  17. A ninja, Pirate, Lumberjack being followed by his good friend Mr. Spidery At good ol' Carthaga! Never a dull moment!
    Kaizimir likes this.
  18. I don't think your being followed, I think it's more attacking u than following u ;)