[CONTEST] Chisel Me This

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. Ughhh dirt, this is my time to make it good!
  2. Hope I wasn't too late! signed up
    My belly hurts~:oops:
  3. Hope I wasn't too late either, I would love to do it! :)
  4. My hours of Picross 3D have trained me for this exact moment.
    Eviltoade likes this.
  5. I signed up, sounds awesome and all, but I do have one concern. Since we cannot place blocks of any kind, say we are sculpting the top and we go down to sculpt the rest below-or even just to look at it far away to check it out…how do we get back up if needed? I know we could break blocks to create a staircase but that could potentially ruin the sculpture. (Sorry if this was brought up I didn't look at all 60+ comments)
  6. I think this contest is very creative and unique. Big thumbs up to the staff who came up with this idea!
  7. Guess I'll try :)
  8. I going to try, hehe not going to be great but I will try
  9. Question: If you're a Gold Supporter, and already have 2 Residences, do you guys give us one on a smp we chose or is there already a res ready?

    Edit: Also, can it be a sculpshure of anything?
  10. When you apply you choose a first choice and second choice for the res that you'd like to work on, no matter what rank you are. You will NOT get to keep the residence after the contest, as this is not a normal residence (you'll only have move and destroy flags) and it is for a specific event. :)
    Kytula likes this.
  11. Ok, thank you. So, we just chose a smp we want and thats where it is?
  12. If there is a residence available in the server of your choice, you will get that one.
    If there isn't, the second choice will be used.
    HelloKittyRo likes this.
  13. Oh.. ok! Thanks Chin :)
  14. Bad hooe forbeing on tim, with almost 900 vieuws ;-; still tried though, I would love to participate on this :)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  15. I just noticed that the spots are limited to 9 per server, so I send a second one with "no preferences" to leave the spots for people that domt have alot of choice (so just ignore the first one :p)
    Patr1cV likes this.
  16. This is a very creative and awesome contest but I would suck at it so not going to enter lol
  17. How will we be notified if we are in?
  18. PM most likely.
  19. The res to is at the top of it...
    To add to that you can see the res via smp1 /v emc1-1
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